Important Things A Guy Will Do If He Wants You In His Life

Important Things A Guy Will Do If He Wants You In His Life

When you hit it off with a guy and feel like you could have something real together, you want to know if he’s on the same page as you so that you’re not wasting any of your precious time and energy on someone who’s just not feeling it. When a guy wants you in his life, he’ll do some very important things to show you. Keep an eye out for these behaviors — if they’re there, that’s a very good sign.

  1. He’ll be consistent. A guy who wants you in his life isn’t going to pop in and out of it whenever he can be bothered. He’ll call or text when he says he will, show up when he makes plans with you, and act like he likes you consistently rather than playing you hot and cold. He won’t want to do anything that would jeopardize your relationship so he’ll behave accordingly.
  2. He’ll make space for you. By “space” I mean literally and figuratively. He’ll be open, honest, and willing to let you in to get to know him even if that kind of vulnerability is scary, which is a pretty big move. However, he’ll also make physical space for you in his world, perhaps by not freaking out if you leave stuff at his place (if you’re that far along in your relationship) or even inviting you into his home instead of always wanting to come to yours.
  3. He’ll make time for you. A guy who wants you in his life will always make time for you, no matter how busy he is or how much else has going on. That’s not to say that you should be his #1 priority and he should be available for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, he’ll make sure he carves out quality time to spend with you so you can grow and maintain your bond and become a stronger couple.
  4. He’ll treat you with respect. It goes without saying that you can’t be with someone who doesn’t respect you. He doesn’t have to agree with everything you say, do, or think to validate and accept you regardless. If this guy wants you in his life, he’ll have to understand that you are his equal and you’re a valuable human being as well as his partner.
  5. He’ll be there for you. A good boyfriend is someone who’s there for you when the times are tough as well as when they’re fun. If a guy wants you in his life, he’ll make sure that he’s there as a vital part of your support system to uplift you, be a shoulder to cry on, and give you the backup you might need in a difficult situation. Better yet, he won’t even think twice about doing it – it’ll come naturally.
  6. He’ll stop talking to other women. At the end of the day, there’s no reason for him to be active on dating apps or chatting to other women on social media if he wants to be with you. If he’s still playing the field, he’s clearly not serious about you and definitely not worth wasting any more time on. See ya later, buddy!
Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia