This Inflatable Tiki Bar Will Turn Your Back Yard Into A Tropical Oasis

While many states are beginning to open for business again, I know I’m not alone in saying I’m still not comfortable with going out. Sure, I miss hitting the bar and enjoying drinks with my friends while dancing to loud music, but I also don’t want to get ill and potentially die, so for now I’ll be staying in. However, that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. If you’re like me and you want to party without so much risk, you might consider renting this inflatable tiki bar and keeping things in your own back yard.

  1. Who doesn’t love a tiki bar? Even if you’ve never actually been to a real one, I’d bet money you’d like to if you got the chance. Well, now you can. An inflatable tiki bar may not be exactly like the real thing but it’s close enough. The Big Bounce Theory rents these puppies out for what’s guaranteed to be the best backyard pool party/BBQ ever.
  2. Yes, you can actually use it. What can you do with an inflatable tiki bar? Yes, you can actually go inside of it, and the company reveals that “there is room for a bartender, small table, large-sized cooler, and even a place on the side to take a picture as a Tiki Man or Woman.” I’ve heard enough – I’m sold!
  3. It’s perfect for setting that tropical vibe. If you’re down with throwing themed parties, this inflatable tiki bar could come in handy. Whether you’re putting on a luau or simply want to pretend you’re on vacation on a beautiful tropical island since actual trips are kinda not happening right now, this would be perfect.
  4. If you want to rent one, get on it. I feel like business is probably about to get super busy, especially with July 4th just around the corner. While The Big Bounce Theory is based in Bohemia, NY, your local party company may have something like this available to rent as well. It’s definitely worth checking!
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