This Photo Of A Plane Passenger’s Long Hair Draped Over The Back Of Her Seat Is Infuriating The Internet

This Photo Of A Plane Passenger’s Long Hair Draped Over The Back Of Her Seat Is Infuriating The Internet

Everyone knows that flying economy class is a less than pleasurable experience. The lack of legroom, the crying babies, fighting over the armrest… you just want to get to where you have to go and get out of that big metal box in the sky, right? While you would think everyone could agree on a certain level of consideration and decorum while traveling, sadly, that’s not the case. Some people go overboard with the rudeness, and this photo of a woman letting her long hair drape over the back of her seat and into the lap of the passenger behind her is making the internet furious.

  1. First of all, who does this? We all know that airlines like to pack passengers in like sardines in a tin can. We have so little space already – stick to yours and don’t encroach on anyone else’s. There are some things you just don’t do: clipping your toenails, combing your hair, etc. You would think that’s an unspoken rule, but some people either didn’t get the memo or simply don’t care.
  2. The woman putting her hair over the seat is totally clueless. She no doubt knew that there was someone sitting behind her but still felt it was appropriate to take her long hair down and drape it over the back of her seat into that passenger’s lap, covering his screen. This isn’t just rude, it’s potentially unhygienic.
  3. The internet is furious at this photo. Twitter user @Antman0528 posted the photo of the woman’s hair and asked a simple question: “Would this piss you off?” Unsurprisingly, there wasn’t a single person who was cool with it. “Completely inconsiderate and unnecessary,” one person remarked. Another added: “I would quietly lower the tray, let her hair fall in and then close it up again. Yes. It would piss me off and I’d tell her to keep it in her seat. If she gets pissy, offer to cut it.”
  4. Thankfully, things like this don’t happen too often. That doesn’t mean there still aren’t plenty of rude travelers who think the plane is their personal playground to do whatever they want in. Gotta save up for business class!
Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.