A Utah teacher murdered the girlfriend of her ex-husband in front of her children because she couldn’t bear to see him happy with someone else. Chelsea Watrous Cook shot Lisa Vilate Williams to death in the town of Lehi after her former partner, Travis Cook, moved on to a new relationship. Now, Chelsea is likely to spend the rest of her life behind bars.
- Chelsea and Travis got divorced in January 2018. While their relationship ended, they do still have young twin daughters who were three years old at the time and on whom their attention should have been. Instead, Chelsea became obsessed with what Travis was up to after they split, and more importantly, who he was seeing.
- Travis and Lisa began dating not long after. Lisa, 26, was described by friends as incredibly generous and caring, and she absolutely adored Chelsea and Travis’s kids. Lisa is said to have wanted their families to blend, but Chelsea wasn’t having it. Unhappy with Travis moving on, she directed all her ire toward Lisa. Chelsea would regularly show up at Lisa’s workplace and even call her repeatedly while she was working, The Mirror reports.
- Lisa tried to keep the police out of it. Despite the fact that Chelsea was sending her threatening letters and bullying her online, Lisa thought it would be better for the twins if she did whatever she could to keep the peace. She hoped that Chelsea would eventually come around and things would calm down. Sadly, that never happened.
- Things took an ugly turn just before Christmas. On November 15, 2018, the twins were over at Travis and Lisa’s place and Lisa was working with the kids on holiday crafts. Chelsea texted not long after and said she wanted to drop off some cough syrup for one of the kids and asked Travis to meet her in the parking lot at 7 p.m. However, instead of meeting him there, she went up to the apartment where Lisa was and walked right in.
- Chelsea came with the intention to kill. While Lisa repeatedly asked Chelsea to leave, Chelsea was there for a fight and she quickly pulled a gun out of her coat and shot Lisa twice in the chest and back. Travis immediately called police and ensured Chelsea couldn’t leave and flee justice. Sadly, despite paramedics’ best efforts, Lisa didn’t survive.
- She claimed she wanted to kill herself. Chelsea claimed in court that she brought the gun to end her own life and that she’d been “anxious and depressed” as well as unable to sleep. She had also stopped taking her medication and her mother claimed that she was under “severe psychiatric distress” at the time of the murder.
- Chelsea pleaded guilty to multiple charges to avoid the death penalty. In order to ensure she actually stayed alive, Chelsea pleaded guilty in February to aggravated murder, aggravated burglary, firearm felonies, and committing violent offenses in front of children. Now, she’s likely to spend the rest of her life behind bars.