Jealous Wife Stabbed Husband Over Photos Of Him With ‘Other Woman’ Which Was Actually Her

Jealous Wife Stabbed Husband Over Photos Of Him With ‘Other Woman’ Which Was Actually Her

A Mexican woman was allegedly arrested after stabbing her husband in a jealous rage upon seeing photos of him with another woman. The problem is that the woman in the photos actually turned out to be the wife herself years ago. The woman, identified only as Leonora R, was taken into custody by police after neighbors reported hearing screaming coming from the property in Sonora. When they arrived at the scene, they discovered the man, identified as Juan N, lying on the floor with multiple stab wounds to his arms and legs, The Daily Mail reports.

  1. Leonora really didn’t think before she acted. As the story goes, Leonora saw the photographs that showed her husband having sex with another woman and immediately grabbed a knife and lunged for Juan. It wasn’t until he disarmed her and asked her why she was attacking him that she accused him of cheating and he pointed out that she was the one in the photos.
  2. How did she recognize him but not herself? There are a few issues to this story. How could Leonora recognize that her husband was in the photo having sex with someone else but not realize that the “someone else” was actually herself? Something seems a bit weird. However, she claims she didn’t recognize the thinner, younger version of herself in the photo, according to Dossier Politico.
  3. The husband had only just rediscovered the photos. Juan allegedly told his wife afterward that he’d just rediscovered the photos, which were taken back when they were only dating, in an old email and had transferred them to his phone. That’s where Leonora discovered them and lost her cool.
  4. Juan will live and Leonora is still in custody. While the seriousness of Juan’s injuries haven’t been revealed, he’s in stable condition and will be just fine. In the meantime, Leonora is still in custody and is facing charges by the Public Ministry of the State Attorney General’s Office.
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