Justin Bieber Accused Of Cultural Appropriation After Debuting New Dreadlocks

Justin Bieber Accused Of Cultural Appropriation After Debuting New Dreadlocks Miami Police Department

Justin Bieber has been slammed by fans and critics for cultural appropriation after posting photos of himself on Instagram with dreadlocks. The 27-year-old singer shared a selfie on Sunday in which he debuted the style and despite the backlash, he posted another selfie on Monday in which the hairstyle featured prominently. Needless to say, the choice hasn’t gone over well.

  1. Bieber has been accused of cultural appropriation. Dreadlocks have historically been worn by people of color, with roots in the Middle East and the Mediterranean as well as Africa. In modern culture, dreadlocks continue to be a cultural symbol for those communities, though many white people have co-opted the look regardless of its cultural significance.
  2. Many Bieber fans are sad at his lack of education on the matter. Given that Justin Bieber works with many artists of color and has had a bit of a crossover career into the R&B scene, many believe that he should know better and do better. “It’s really disappointing to see you with dreads, I thought you educated yourself,” one commenter wrote on one of his photos. Another added: “Justin baby… what in the world. No sir.” A third person said: “justin, not the cultural appropriation :/”
  3. People are shocked at the decision as well as disappointed. Because Bieber has previously made comments about how he was going to educate himself on black culture given that he benefits from his association with it, people were shocked that he could make such an ignorant decision to get dreadlocks. “Didn’t you say you were educating yourself about black culture so what is this foolery,” one person wrote. Another posted: “J, please educate yourself on culture appropriation… You shouldn’t be wearing dreads… with love.”
  4. So far, Justin Bieber hasn’t responded to the criticism. Ultimately, the choice to get dreadlocks is his, but the points people are making about it are valid, so it will be interesting to see how he responds to it (if at all). It never hurts to be more thoughtful and respectful about other cultures, especially when you should be well-educated about it by now.

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