Driving a car is a very serious responsibility and frankly, not one that I think most teens are ready for. Take, for instance, 15-year-old Grant Martinez. For his birthday, his parents decided to gift him with a brand new car and his sister Kristen was there to capture the special moment on film. Sadly, things went very, very wrong.
- Grant wanted to take his wheels for a spin. While no state allows a 15-year-old to hold a driver’s license, it’s likely that Grant was anticipating being able to drive one day and he asked his parents if he could back it out of the driveway. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that’s not what happened.
- The car started moving and Grant freaked out. When he put the car into drive, Grant got scared as the vehicle started to move and he went to slam on the breaks. The problem is, he missed the breaks entirely and instead pressed on the gas and went straight through the front of the house.
- Thankfully, no one was hurt. Grant first slammed the car through the garage and then into the house. His dad was able to jump out of the way and avoid being hit, but the house, which was mid-renovation, didn’t fare so well. Kristen was also happy to not have been hurt. “I was shocked because if I wouldn’t have moved out of the way, I would’ve been hit and crushed into the bar where the car hit,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it happened and I was shaken up realizing that I could’ve been badly injured or killed.”
- The police had to be called to the scene. Not one to leave the story hanging, Kristen also got the aftermath of Grant’s accident on film, and it’s shocking, to say the least. It may be a while before he gets in the car again!