Kissing A Guy: What To Do And What Not To Do To Make It Memorable

If your first time kissing a guy isn’t filled with sparks, it doesn’t bode well for the future of your relationship. As your relationship starts and progresses, kissing remains important to do successfully so that you boost your couple bond. It produces a burst of oxytocin hormone in your brain, which is called the love hormone because it makes you feel attached and affectionate towards your partner. Here’s how to make kissing a guy more memorable.

  1. Do use your hands. While the emphasis during kissing is on your lips and tongues, you shouldn’t forget about your hands. This can make kissing a guy much more memorable and romantic. Reach up with your hands so you can run your fingers through his hair, stroke his neck, or touch his face tenderly.
  2. Don’t forget to kiss him elsewhere. While kissing a guy on the mouth is awesome, you can make the kiss even more memorable when kissing a guy by kissing him in other places. Some of the best male erogenous zones include the palm of his hand, his ear, and the nape of his neck.
  3. Do chew breath mints or gum beforehand. You both enjoyed creamy garlic seafood pasta for dinner that was delicious, but don’t bring its aftertaste into your kiss. Ew, seriously. Keep breath mints or gum in your pocket and chew it during your date so that you’re ready for a hot kissing session that wouldn’t kill vampires.
  4. Don’t keep your gum in. Please, please, please, I’m begging you! If you’re still chewing minty gum by the time your kiss is about to start, get rid of it before you kiss the guy. It doesn’t matter if you have to reach into your pocket for a tissue or grab a serviette from the restaurant table, just do it. While that might feel awkward to do, it’s much worse to leave your gum in your mouth and end up surprising your partner with it. Gross.
  5. Do it during a relaxed moment. This is especially important to do when you’re kissing a guy for the first time. Look, first kisses are filled with anxiety and stress. You don’t want to make them even more nerve-wracking by trying to do them at the wrong moment, like when you’re taking your partner by surprise in the middle of a serious conversation. Stick to reaching in for a kiss during a relaxed moment.
  6. Don’t make smacking sounds. These disgusting sounds can be distracting or completely off-putting, so try to go slower when you kiss your partner. This will prevent you from making sloppy suction sounds. Eeuw. FYI, kissing’s not that hard, so if he’s always making these sounds, it might be a red flag. Just saying.
  7. Do bite his lip. Hands down, a lip bite is always sexy. Try to do it during a tender kiss, so you can easily and gently bite his lower lip. If you try to bite his lip when the kiss is ravenous and fast-paced, it could fall flat or you could bite too hard (ouch!), so you’ve been warned.

More ways to make kissing a guy a memorable occasion

  1. Don’t start with your tongue. Who wants a wet kiss right off the bat? It’s supposed to be a romantic kiss, not a car wash for your lips! Start slowly and make your lips the focus until you get into the kissing rhythm. Then, you can bring your tongue into the mix so it’s not OTT.
  2. Do add some pressure. Is there anything worse than a mundane kiss that doesn’t evolve? Kissing, while it should start slowly as you both get into it, should increase in pace or become a bit more filled with pressure. If it remains stagnant, this can feel quite anticlimactic and boring.
  3. Don’t open your eyes. It might sound like something that would be hot: you’re in the middle of a kiss when you open your eyes to look adoringly at your partner. While sexy in theory, in real life it can be awkward. Plus, if your partner catches you opening your eyes, he might worry that you’re not enjoying it or losing yourself in the moment.
  4. Do mirror his kiss. If you’re feeling really anxious about moving in for a kiss, the best thing to do once you lock lips with your partner is to mirror their movements. This ensures that you’ll be giving your partner the kind of kiss he likes. So, if he adds more tongue pressure or slows down, follow his moves. That said, don’t neglect taking intiative and trying some things of your own.
  5. Don’t become too vocal. While you don’t want to sound like you’re playing a vigorous game of Wimbledon tennis because of how vocal you are during a kiss, making some soft moans during a long kiss is a good idea. It’s linked to romantic and sexual desire, plus it shows him how much you’re enjoying it which is sure to stroke his ego.
  6. Do remember to breathe. If you find that you can’t come up for air during a kiss, make sure that you’re in a more comfortable position. While you do want your kiss to take your breath away, it’s no fun if you feel you’re being squashed or you can’t control the pace of your kiss.
  7. Don’t produce too much saliva. If you’re basically drooling when you’re kissing a guy, that’s not sexy. Look, some people produce more saliva than others during a kiss than others. You can avoid slobbering by swallowing regularly during a kiss and trying not to open your mouth too wide.
Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.