Women aren’t the only ones who go through heartbreak — sometimes we’re the ones inflicting it. That was certainly the case with you, the girl who dated my boyfriend last and left him broken and emotionally destroyed. It might sound crazy, but I’m not mad. In fact, I actually want to thank you. Here’s why:
- He knows what it’s like to have a broken heart… so he takes love seriously. People who don’t know what it’s like to go through heartbreak can be careless when it comes to love, but thankfully, my boyfriend isn’t one of them. He takes precious care of my heart, because he knows how fragile they can be. He knows true pain, and because of that, I know he’d never hurt me.
- Who knows what would have happened if you stuck around? He might not have ever met me, and that would have really sucked. Odds are you would’ve put him through the same misery, just for a longer period of time. I’m glad you let him go when you did because it gave his heart time to heal, and when I came around, he was ready for me.
- How could you be so blind? I’m grateful, trust me, but I’ll never understand how you could have ever let him go. He’s such an amazing person and he loves with every fiber of his being. How could you not appreciate that? You can argue that you just weren’t right for each other, and while that’s true, it doesn’t justify what you did. Breaking up with him might have broken his heart but what you did shattered it. Why were you so cruel?
- Because of you, he knows how to appreciate a good woman. You didn’t treat him well, but you did show him what being treated poorly looks like, and now he’s determined to never make me feel the way you made him feel. You gave him a thorough lesson in what not to do, and I’m reaping all the benefits of your hard work.
- I know he loves me. Not to brag, but I’m confident in myself. You know what else I’m confident in? Our love. He’s not sticking around for another girl to break his heart and he’s not going to stay with someone he doesn’t really love. He’s been through a crappy relationship, so he knows he deserves true love. When he met me, he finally got what he deserved in the best way possible.
- We both have baggage. I’ve had my heartbroken too, so we can both understand the hurt we’ve been through. I know his past and he knows mine. We have a relationship built on communication, trust, friendship and love. He’s not afraid to tell me what he wants and I’m not afraid of him taking me for granted. We both have a history and we’re better people and better lovers because of it.
- I’m confident that he’ll never cheat. He’s been on the painful side of that scenario, all thanks to you. Since he knows what that betrayal feels like, I know he’d never put me through that cruelty. He knows the disrespect, he knows the pain, and he knows that no excuse justifies it. He’s with me and only me, and I’ll never have to question that.
- He’s a better man than he was before. I may not have known him back when you were together, but I know the person he’s become. His days with you were immature, but with me, everything is different. Going through the pain of heartbreak changed him, and that was a good thing. He grew into the man he was always meant to be, the love of my life. He’s a nice guy who isn’t finishing last, because though his heartbreak may have sucked, it was all worth it in the end.