LEGO Unveils New Interactive ‘Super Mario’ Set And It Looks Like So Much Fun

LEGO Unveils New Interactive ‘Super Mario’ Set And It Looks Like So Much Fun LEGO

Super Mario Bros. is one of if not the most iconic game in history. Brothers Mario and Luigi navigate through levels by jumping on living mushrooms, defeating King Koopa and his many cronies, and hopefully eventually save the princess. Well, now you can play all the classic elements of the game in a whole new form with LEGO’s new interactive Super Mario set.

super mario legoLEGO

  1. There’s never been anything like this before. LEGO teamed up with Nintendo to bring kids and adults alike a whole new way to play. The Super Mario set is described as “a new product line that features an interactive LEGO Mario figure who collects coins in real-life game levels created with LEGO bricks” that will “let kids experience the playful world of Super Mario like never before.” Sounds pretty cool, huh?
  2. You can thank Bluetooth for the interactivity. The little Super Mario figure is powered by Bluetooth, which allows him to collect coins as the player moves him along the LEGO course. The coins then flash up on Mario’s apron front, showing you how you’re progressing through the challenge. There’s even a flag at the end of each course!
  3. It’s a whole new way to play and that’s really exciting. As Takashi Tezuka, Executive Officer and Game Producer of Nintendo Co., Ltd., said in a statement, “I have always liked LEGO products and how they help children use their imagination to play. The new product we created together with the LEGO Group seeks to combine two different styles of play – one where you freely build the world of Mario and the other where you play with Mario in the very world that you have created.” Gotta love technology!
  4. Sadly, it won’t be out until later this year. There’s no specific release date given for the Super Mario LEGO set, only that it will be out before the end of 2020. Hopefully it’s sooner rather than later – I want to play with it!
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