We all have them — the one that got away — and I’m no different. You were the second guy I said “I love you” to, but you weren’t the last. The difference between the others and you, though, is that I’ll never stop loving you and I’m not afraid to admit it.
- I’ve never been so passionate about another human being. We may have been young and reckless, but our passion level was off the charts. It’s a feeling I haven’t had since and I don’t think I ever will again — but at least I have the memory of what it’s like to feel so strongly for another person and that’s because of you.
- You were my first (and maybe only) great love. I’ve loved after you but with reluctance. I’ll never love anyone as much as I love you, even after all these years, I’m sure of it. Great loves are hard to come by and some people never get the chance to experience even one. At least I had that with you, however temporary.
- The way you loved me is incomparable. We had our ups and downs, but the fact remains that no one has loved me the same way since. With you, I could feel it right down into my soul and there’s something about that feeling I just can’t let go of.
- The person you were when no one was looking was remarkable. When it was just us two and there was no one around to impress, you were the best person I had ever met. Books could be written about you and all your soulful glory.
- It turns out true love is unconditional. No matter what’s happened between us, the years that passed or what you’ve been up to since, I still see you the same way I did when we were together. I loved you then and I love you now.
- No one gets me like you do. Our relationship always made me feel like part of a team. I knew I could always rely on you, and I felt truly happy to have someone to be on the inside with. I haven’t felt it since, and remembering what it felt like still gets me through some melancholic times.
- I’m thankful for our time together. There’s no one in the world I’ve felt closer to. You made me feel like I could be myself and happy with the person I am, and for that I’m forever grateful. You helped me grow into the woman I am today by being there, and then by not being there.
- Being with you changed me. It may not have taken effect right away, but you loving me, and I you, changed me in the best way possible. From then on out, any changes I made were done in the hope that you could be proud of me, even if from afar.
- I wish you all the happiness in the world. Although sometimes I hope we’ll get another chance someday, I know I’ll be okay if it doesn’t happen. As long as I know you’re happy, then that’s good enough for me.