Sex is great and all, and as much as e’d love to be having it all the time, there are days we’re just not in the mood. Sometimes it’s about you and sometimes it’s not, but if you’re totally confused on why we aren’t constantly jumping your bones, here are some possibilities:
- We’re annoyed/pissed off at you. ICYMI, our sexual appetite has everything to do with how we feel about the relationship as a whole. Maybe we’re annoyed because you didn’t help us with the household chores (again) or feeling neglected because of your utter disregard for our personal needs (you’ve been forgetting to take us to that dinner date). Put in some real effort and you’ll probably see a change from us.
- We can’t connect emotionally with you. When we can’t connect with you emotionally, we find it hard to feel enough real desire to initiate sex or respond to your moves. Most of us want to bond over non-sexual things first, which will then carry over to the bedroom in ways you can’t even imagine.
- You didn’t touch us even once throughout the day. You used to shower us with little kisses first thing in the morning, hold our hand while watching TV or hug us from behind while we cooked dinner. Now, all your affection is reserved for sex, and screw that. Start showing us some real affection and we’ll likely be way more in the mood.
- We’re exhausted. “Not tonight” sometimes mean just that. We’re way too tired because it’s been a long day at work and we haven’t had the chance to relax and rest. It’s not that you’re not hot or that we don’t want to sleep with you, we’d literally rather just sleep in general. Don’t take it personal.
- We’re getting a bit bored. We’re just not seeing the guy we fell head over heels in love with anymore. We think you’ve lost your edge and stopped trying, and you need to actually do something to earn our desire. Reconnect with that part of you and you’ll be surprised at how we’ll always look forward to being intimate with you.
- The sex has become too routine. We’ve been having sex at the same place at the same time, doing the same positions. There’s no variety and there’s no mystery anymore. Sex has somewhat became one of the tasks in a to-do list that we needed to get done for the sake of doing it, and nothing’s a bigger turn-off than that.
- Sex is sometimes painful for us. There are sexual things we do that make us feel more pain than pleasure. We feel uncomfortable and we remember this feeling the moment you want us to have sex again, which kinda puts us off the idea.
- We don’t feel that sexy. We need to feel that we’re desirable and sexy enough to make us want to be naked in front of you. When we don’t have that confidence, it makes us feel somewhat insecure. So despite the time we’ve been together as a couple, make us feel like you’re still head over heels for us and find us really hot. Seeing you like this will boost our confidence and be more eager to get naked.