When you think of the best place to get married, what crosses your mind? A church, a destination wedding on the beach, a country backyard? Chances are, you might not be thinking of the gym as a legit wedding location but as it turns out, it’s a romantic AF place to tie the knot. Stephanie Hughes and Joseph Keith III had their wedding ceremony at a Planet Fitness on September 3rd, 2017.
The couple met cute at a Planet Fitness in Cincinnati, Ohio, so it was definitely a special place for them. What exactly got them interested in each other? It’s actually a super simple story. As the couple says on their wedding website, “We were both in the PF360 room when Joe came up to Stephanie and asked if she was still using a piece of equipment. Stephanie immediately thought he was “cute” and began referring to him as her “eye candy” and her “gym crush” (LOL). We had a mutual friend and apparently we were both telling our mutual friend how we were attracted to one another.” They started talking for hours and hours in the Planet Fitness parking lot, and that’s also where they said those three little words to each other for the very first time.
How did he propose? Well, Joe and Stephanie had a baby girl, and in July 2016, he made the baby a bib that said, “Will you marry Daddy?” Yeah, that is basically the most amazing proposal ever. Much better than a fancy dinner and hiding the diamond ring in the dessert (which sounds kind of dangerous). We’re down with any marriage proposal that is creative and fresh and different.
If a couple meeting and falling crazy and madly in love at the gym sounds like nonsense in these dating app obsessed times, apparently it’s not really that out of the ordinary. According to a study mentioned on Elite Daily, there are some love stories that really do start when people are working out at the gym. What are the odds that if a gym goer hits on another, it’s going to become an actual long-term thing? 1 in 4 times. Hmmm. We’re all thinking about whether or not there are any hot guys at our own local gyms, aren’t we?!
#HealthyLiving #Wedding This Fit Couple Got Married at the Same Place Their Love Story Began – Planet Fitness https://t.co/CRpykthkAg
— nancy micca (@nancy_Fitness) September 5, 2017
It’s super cool that couples are realizing that marriage doesn’t have to be this boring, traditional, typical thing, and a wedding doesn’t, either. Since fewer millennials seem to be getting married young, if at all (and so many women are staying single longer than ever before), it makes sense to finally see some creative ceremonies. After all, we’re not living life the way that previous generations did. We’re not getting married right out of high school or putting aside our career dreams to become wives and mothers. Sure, some of us might still want those things, and no shame to anyone and their own life choices. But we know that there are other paths that we can go down and the pressure to settle down isn’t as intense.
It’s nice to know that we can honestly get married anywhere that we choose. This is also just a really adorable, sweet story, and we could all use those in these depressing times, couldn’t we? Who knows — we might meet our own future husband when working up a sweat. Or maybe he’s someone that we already know, and this story can inspire us to ask him out. All thanks to Joe and Stephanie.
This Couple’s Planet Fitness Wedding Photos Will Live Forever As Their Fitspo https://t.co/I3dUgHEmKo pic.twitter.com/toJ9BpqWVs
— Cosmopolitan (@Cosmopolitan) September 5, 2017