Man With 2 Wives, 3 Fiancees, And 15 Girlfriends Finally Exposed By One Of His Exes On Facebook

Man With 2 Wives, 3 Fiancees, And 15 Girlfriends Finally Exposed By One Of His Exes On Facebook

Cheating is one of the worst ways you can betray a partner’s trust, but sadly it happens often. However, one many took unfaithfulness to the next level, racking up an additional wife, three fiances, and 15 girlfriends outside of his marriage. Former Texas police chief Jason Collier even almost got away with it until one of his exes called him out on Facebook and all his lies began to unravel.

  1. Collier worked for the Stinnett Police Department. From the outside, it looked as if he had a very normal life. He was married to a lovely woman named Opal and they had two kids together. Of course, that facade was about to come crumbling down when one of his fiancees, Cecily Steinmetz, with whom he also has two children, discovered what he was up to and decided to put him on blast on social media.
  2. Steinmetz is the hero we all need in life. After realizing that her fiance was actually already married and in at least one other relationship, she took to Facebook to call him out. “Chief Jason Collier is living a double/triple life. I was his girlfriend until yesterday. He lied to me and presented me with fake annulment documents when I found out he was married,” she wrote along with photos of herself with Collier. “I also found out about a second girlfriend, Kristi, last night. He lied to us, our children and asked us both to marry him. He is a poor representative of your town. He would also visit me in Amarillo when he was on shift. We had just returned from vacation in Taos on Sunday, meanwhile, his other girlfriend was told he was on work assignment in Portland, OR.” Oh snap!
  3. Kirsti then stepped into the conversation… along with several other girlfriends. In the comment section of Cecily’s post, Kirsti revealed that she was also engaged to Collier and had been since the previous December. But that’s not all! Soon after, loads of other women started coming forward claiming that they too were dating Collier after having met him on a dating app.
  4. In total, it seems he had up to 15 girlfriends. So many women came forward to admit that they too had been conned by Collier and believed they were in serious relationships with him. How this guy got away with this for so long is beyond me, but the jig is certainly up now.
  5. He lost his job and Opal fired for divorce from Collier. Unsurprisingly, Opal wants nothing to do with this lying, cheating scumbag and filed for divorce as soon as the truth about him came to light. He also had to resign from his job with the police department thanks to the humiliation he brought on the force. Not only that, but he was arrested for tampering with government documents. Things certainly aren’t going well for Collier!
  6. He’s since issued an apology to Steinmetz but no one else. In the video, Collier describes himself as the “biggest piece of s***” and claims that he “didn’t mean to  hide anything or lie to you.” He added: “Sorry. I’m so sorry. Please, I just want you to forgive me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
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