While there’s nothing wrong with the old-fashioned, getting down on one knee method of getting engaged, people are getting more and more creative with their proposal attempts these days. Unfortunately, one such attempt ended in tragedy when a man died while filming an underwater proposal video during a dream vacation in Tanzania.
- Stephen Weber was the ultimate romantic. He and girlfriend Kanesha Antoine were staying in an underwater cabin at a resort on Pemba Island off the coast of East Africa. He described the vacation as a “once in a once-in-a-lifetime thing that people want to experience before they die,” according to Antoine, and he wanted to use the opportunity to propose to the woman he loved.
- It was the perfect proposal… almost. Weber dived into the ocean to pop the question, swimming up to their cabin’s window and holding up a sheet of paper against the glass with the message “Will you be my wife?” He even opened a ring box to show her before he swam up towards the surface. Antoine was elated and looking forward to accepting his proposal.
- Weber never came back to the surface. While Antoine posted the video of the proposal on Facebook on Friday morning, she also revealed the tragic end: Weber never got to hear her say yes because he “never emerged from those depths.”
- What happened to Weber is incredibly sad. As Antoine shared on Facebook, “We never got to embrace and celebrate the beginning of the rest of our lives together, as the best day of our lives turned into the worst, in the cruelest twist of fate imaginable.”
- However, she’s vowed to continue living a life full of passion and adventure as they had when Weber was still alive. “I will try to take solace in the fact that we enjoyed the most amazing bucket list experiences these past few days, and that we both were so happy and absolutely giddy with excitement in our final moments together,” she wrote.
- Weber will truly be missed both from Antoine’s life and the lives of everyone he knew. As Antoine explained in her Facebook post, “You were a bright light to everyone you encountered. You never met a stranger, and you brought so much joy to so many people. You were kind, compassionate, you regularly made me cry with laughter, and you showered me with a love like none I’d ever experienced.” We can only hope she finds peace after such a terrible tragedy.