As if bleeding from your nether regions for days on end isn’t hellish enough, a lot of women suffer from debilitating cramps that make you feel like someone is playing tug-of-war with your ovaries. Sure, hot water bottles, Advil, and pints of Haagen-Dazs help a little, but there’s a new cramp remedy on the block that just might change your world. I’m talking about marijuana tampons, which are totally real and can apparently take away your cramps within 20 minutes.
OK, so getting high off your feminine hygiene products sounds good, but it’s not quite so straightforward. A company called Foria**, which makes other CBD-infused products like lube and massage oil to provide relaxation and pain relief benefits, has released a line of suppositories containing CBD, the pain-relieving compound in marijuana, and THC, the psychoactive ingredient in pot that gets you blazed.
These aren’t actually tampons as such—you’ll still need to hit up your Tampax or Always—but rather capsules which should be inserted 15 minutes before putting in your tampon to provide pain relief directly to that area of your body. From the multiple reviews found online, women seem to really love them and swear by their ability to relieve even the worst cramps and period pain.
It sounds good, but there’s just one small catch: you can only get them in Colorado and California so far, and you’ll need a medical marijuana card to buy there. Still, the fact that companies are beginning to work on products like this for women can only be a good thing, and hopefully it’s only a matter of time before they’re more widely available everywhere. After all, how nice would it be to have a pain-free period for once (and feel a little buzzed at the same time)? Ah, a woman can dream.
**Nope, this isn’t a sponsored post—just trying to spread the good word, ladies.