Men Share Things Women Apparently Aren’t Ready To Hear

Men Share Things Women Apparently Aren’t Ready To Hear

As women, we like to imagine that we’re all incredibly understanding and emotionally mature enough to handle whatever guys have to say. However, they don’t seem to think that’s the case. Over on Reddit, men are discussing the things women clearly aren’t ready to hear no matter how much we claim we are, and some of what they have to say is pretty enlightening.

  1. It’s our hair clogging the drains. While women are often likely to blame it on men, u/fosfeen is putting the kibosh on that idea. “How could she think it’s mine when nowhere on my body I’ve hair that’s even half as long as the ones I pull out of the drain?” he writes. Good point, but we’re still going to deny it.
  2. “Seriously, you look fine!” We often ask our partners who we look in a certain outfit as if there’s any other answer than “like the hottest woman alive.” However, u/burnodo2 thinks we should get used to being told that it’s fine and take it at face value. “Every outfit she wears looks great, I really don’t have strong feelings about which one if I’m being given a choice. They’re all great. She looks great. Let’s get going so we don’t miss the opener,” u/runningraleigh adds of his own partner.
  3. Hanging out with other people is healthy. U/mr_masamune points out the obvious: it’s not healthy to be with your partner 24/7. Apparently, he’s come across some women who don’t feel that way. “Hanging out with my friends without you (her) is healthy, and same goes for her hanging out with her friends. It’s good for your mental health,” he shares.
  4. Diamonds are a scam. While many women hope to receive diamond engagement rings or other jewelry featuring the precious gem, u/rowthecow points out that they’re actually awful. U/Shadowwulf99 further explains: “ab grown are better for many reasons, as at least they’re ethical, but there are so many better pretty rocks out there. Moissanite is a really neat alternative that is always lab grown and has better light dispersion/refraction than diamonds. It’s almost as high as diamond on the Mohs hardness scale and is significantly more affordable. Plus, mineral moissanite was originally discovered in a meteor crater, so that’s extra cool points.”
  5. There’s more to being good at sex than having it. While women often complain that men are happy with just getting laid while we need more to get off, u/EarthExile insists that’s not true. “You are not good at sex just because you let me do it to you. I am not a masseuse and you are not a customer. Meet me halfway.”
  6. Women are too hard on ourselves. U/lucidzealot urges women to “f–king allow yourselves some grace” since we’re “too f–kin mean” to ourselves. It’s true that we’re our own worst enemies, so this is advice we should heed.
  7. Not all men are the same. It’s pretty impossible to be a woman in this world who hasn’t had a bad experience with a man. However, u/toes_of_frogs wants us to keep in mind that you can’t equate one man with another> “I am not your ex; I am not your father,” he writes.
  8. They love us even if they don’t say it a lot. As women, many of us need verbal reassurances that our partners are on the same page as us. Unfortunately, that gets a bit complicated since most guys aren’t all that vocal. However, u/AffectionateAct2417 says: “That, even if I don’t say it 15 times a day, I do love you.” Aw, that’s sweet!
  9. We’ve put on weight but it doesn’t matter. No woman wants to have it pointed out to her if she’s packed on a few pounds and we’d be pretty angry if our partners said it to us. However, u/ComplicatedLogic thinks we should be able to talk about it, especially since guys don’t really care. “Yes, you put on weight. No, I don’t really care. You still look good to me. But yes, you put on weight.”
  10. Their free time is their own. According to u/RavenWitch13, many women seem to think that if their partner has some spare time, it’ll automatically be spent with them. Not so, he says. “My free time is not by default ‘my partner’s time.'”
  11. Feeling a certain way doesn’t make it true. Women are by nature very emotional creatures, but that doesn’t mean we’re always correct. “Just because you feel an emotion strongly does not mean you are right,” says u/teamworldunity. However, he does point out that the same goes for men.
  12. There’s no sense in playing hard to get. While women are often taught that men love the thrill of the chase, that’s not the case for all of them, u/iamday1 says. “Playing hard to get wastes both our time. Most of the time the guy will just move on.” Good to know.
  13. Once a cheater, probably always a cheater. As much as we might like to believe that a guy who was unfaithful won’t do it again, u/one_bad_larry thinks that’s unlikely. “The dude that cheated on you earlier this year isn’t going to ‘wake up’ and change tomorrow,” he writes.
  14. Men can’t really control their penises. U/allday_andrew insists that as much as women think men are in control of their appendages, it’s not the case. “I don’t control whether my penis is hard. Sometimes my brain is very happy looking at you and my d–k doesn’t work. It’s a penis, it’s not a divine judge of your hotness,” he insists. “Stop getting mad/crying when it doesn’t happen. It makes both of us feel like shit and neither of us deserves it.”
  15. They can’t read our minds. Wouldn’t it be nice if the men in our lives were psychic and knew what we wanted and how we were feeling/thinking without us having to communicate? Sadly, that’s not the case. “We’re not mind readers. If you want us to know what you want or what you’re thinking, you have to tell us,” says u/Charger525.
  16. Ugly guys aren’t always creepy. Apparently, u/LieutenantCrash has come across quite a few women who assume all men who aren’t gods among men must be weird pervs. “Just because I’m ugly doesn’t mean I’m a creep. Too many women have insulted me talking to their friends. Most of the time loud enough that I can hear it. Just keep your thoughts to yourself. We have feelings too. If you’re one of those women who openly insult people for fun, know that you might be responsible for someone’s suicide,” he says. Awful!
  17. They like to be wooed too. Women mostly assume it’s a man’s job to wine and dine us, but they appreciate the same in return. “When was the last time you took your husband/boyfriend out on a date or bought him flowers? In my entire life, only one girl ever took ME out. I make a lot more money than she does, and I don’t mind paying at all because of that. But it was a total surprise, and it meant so much to me,” shares u/OwlDotPhD. “I think so often women are at the center of heterosexual relationships. But it was so nice to be the one being wooed for once. I’m gonna end up marrying that girl.”
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