I Might Be Single But My Life Is Full & I’m Surrounded By Love

I Might Be Single But My Life Is Full & I’m Surrounded By Love ©iStock/BraunS

I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m not currently seeing someone and I can’t even remember the last time I had a real date. I’m single AF, but that doesn’t mean I’m alone. In fact, I’m actually far from it — here’s why:

  1. I’ll always have my girlfriends. My girls have always been there for me, no matter what my relationship status is. I can count on them to celebrate my successes and be a shoulder to cry on when I fail. I’d never put a guy ahead of my friendships because at the end of the day, every guy has left me and my girls are still by my side.
  2. I find fulfillment in my career. My life isn’t just about who I’m currently sleeping with or who I go home to at night. My life’s mission isn’t just to be some guy’s wife. I have dreams and they’re not to be a damsel in distress. I can save myself and I can also provide for myself because no matter how my life ends up, my career is my passion. Relationship or no relationship, my life has a lot of meaning.
  3. My family means everything to me. If I never get to start a family of my own, I’ll still have the family that started me. They’ve stuck by me through thick and thin. I know I’ll always have a place to spend the holidays and a clan to celebrate every achievement in my life. Even if I never settle down, my family will always let me settle right in. At the end of the day, I’m loved.
  4. Loneliness is just a state of mind. I refuse to let myself give in to that temptation. I refuse to feel sorry for myself. I’m only stuck in unhappiness if I allow myself to be. The fact is that I’m not alone. People I love surround me. My life is simply lacking romance right now, but I won’t wallow in self-pity. The only way to get out of that depression is to pull myself out. I’m only alone if I choose to be, and I’ll never let that happen.
  5. I thrive on my independence. I am truly blessed to have people in my life I can depend on, but even better, I know how to depend on myself. I know that I can pay the bills, cook my own dinner, clean my home and do everything else to keep my life in order. I love having company, but I also love being on my own. I’m truly independent, and that’s a feeling like no other.
  6. Being in a bad relationship can be just as lonely. A relationship where you’re constantly at odds with your partner is extremely isolating. The fact is, if I’m not with the right person then I’m better off just being single. I’ve had my fair share of unhealthy relationships and they’re just not worth it. Being single is way more fun than being in a constant fight with a man who just can’t seem to treat me right. I deserve better than that.
  7. I can love myself. I don’t need a man’s love to give me self-assurance or confidence. I know I’m a great girl worthy of true love even if I never find it. I want a guy and I hope to find the love of my life someday, but if I don’t, I’ll be okay. That’s what being happily single teaches you — that you can be okay on your own. I don’t need a guy to be fulfilled. I want one, but if I never find the right one, at least I love myself.
  8. My happiness doesn’t depend on my relationship status. I have other things in my life, and that’s what’s important. Even if I do someday meet Prince Charming, he won’t be my whole world. I won’t give up the rest of my life for a guy. If I don’t end up with anyone, I know how to be happy on my own. That’s why no matter what my future holds, I’ll never truly be alone.
Kelsey Dykstra is a freelance writer based in Huntington Beach, CA. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from Grand Valley State University and been writing professionally since graduating in 2013. In addition to writing about love and relationships for Bolde and lifestyle topics for Love to Know, she also writes about payment security and small business solutions for PaymentCloud.

Originally from Michigan, this warm weather seeker relocated to the OC just last summer. Kelsey enjoys writing her own fictional pieces, reading a variety of young adult novels, binging on Netflix, and of course soaking up the sun.

You can find more about Kelsey on her LinkedIn profile or on Twitter @dykstrakelsey.