A Turkish man who got drunk and went wandering off into a wooded area ended up inadvertently joining a search party looking for himself. As the Daily Sabah reports, 50-year-old Beyhan Mutlu from Bursa was reported missing by his friends but as it turns out, he wasn’t missing at all.
Bursa’da ormanlık alanda ekiplerle birlikte kendini arayan ve dünya basınında gündem olan Beyhan Mutlu: “Dünya gündemine girmişim ama dünya umrumda değil.” pic.twitter.com/LJg6CFaFg4
— Vaziyet (@vaziyetcomtr) October 1, 2021
- Mutlu joined the volunteers but had no idea who they were looking for. While locals came together to form a search party to find him, Mutlu joined in the hunt, not realizing that he was the very person they were looking for.
- At some point, some of the volunteers began shouting his name. At this point, Mutlu became confused. Why were they calling his name? At that point, he asked some of the others who they were looking for, NTV reports, and they replied that they were searching for Beyhan Mutlu.
- “I am here,” he told them. When the volunteers revealed the subject of their search, Mutlu simply replied that it was him. It was then that police realized the strange mix-up and gave Mutlu, who had been extremely inebriated, a ride home.
- All’s well that ends well. Thankfully, this situation turned out to be nothing more than a simple (and rather hilarious) misunderstanding and Mutlu was alright and got home safely.
Bursa’da, birlikte alkol aldığı arkadaşlarından ayrıldıktan sonra haber alınamayan, ormanda karşılaştığı, kendisini arayan ekiple arama çalışmasına katılan Beyhan Mutlu, “Onlarla beraber yarım saatten fazla aramalara katıldım. Benim olduğumu bilince ekipler, gülümsedi” dedi. pic.twitter.com/mftXonD3hs
— Vaziyet (@vaziyetcomtr) October 1, 2021