Body Positive Influencer Celebrates Finally Having ‘Round Nipples’ After Breast Reduction Hell

Body Positive Influencer Celebrates Finally Having ‘Round Nipples’ After Breast Reduction Hell

Body positive influencer Nelly London has a good reason to celebrate: she finally has “round nipples” again after going through a hellish recovery from her breast reduction surgery. Nelly’s first surgery was eight years ago because her HH boobs made life difficult. However, things didn’t go quite to plan after the procedure was done.

  1. Nelly hated the results of the first surgery. One of the stitches popped after surgery, leaving her breast looking “like it was bulging through a hole in the bottom of her boob.” More holes popped open soon after, which not only looked terrible but left her in horrific pain.
  2. She’s been in recovery from the operation ever since. This month, she finally went for another procedure to try and fix the damage that was done. Thankfully, this one went a bit better. “OMG I’m healing so well!!!” she revealed in an Instagram Story to her 467,000 followers. “The things they were worried about aren’t even a concern anymore!!!”
  3. However, that wasn’t even the best news. That would be the recovery of her nipples. “The best news of all, which I can’t quite believe is happening… MY NIPPLES ARE ROUND!!!” she shared. “I haven’t had round nipples in nearly 10 years. They were completely changed after my first operation and subsequent scarring and I didn’t even think it would be possible to get them back to a ‘normal’ shape, but it has happened. I HAVE ROUND NIPPLES.” That’s awesome!
  4. Nelly couldn’t be more pleased with how the procedure went. While Nelly knows that many of the flaws of her breasts weren’t visible to other people before, she noticed, which was enough of an inspiration for her to seek help. “I can’t even explain this feeling, it was something I had just accepted had happened and was just the way that part of my body would be,” she shared. “They weren’t just a little bit ‘wonky’, they were completely misshapen. It’s hard to explain because I can’t show you, but they were visibly and noticeably deformed. But I finally looked down today during my dressings being changed and saw them just perfectly round. I am so happy.”

So pleased for her!

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.