Mom Claims Her Daughter Was Potty Trained By The Time She Was 2 Weeks Old

Mom Claims Her Daughter Was Potty Trained By The Time She Was 2 Weeks Old

An Australian mom has gone viral for claiming that she potty trained her daughter by the time she was two weeks old. Montana Lower and her partner Tom Linwood have a baby girl named Blue, and they claim that they’ve changed less than a handful of diapers in the child’s first year of life thanks to the intuitive method of training called “Elimination Communication” that they’ve used to get Blue used to using the toilet.

  1. What is Elimination Communication anyway? It’s a process that basically involves watching your baby for “signs” that they might need to use the toilet and then taking them to it so that they can use the bathroom the way an adult would, thereby eliminating the need for diapers. According to Tom, if parents can pick up the signs that their babies are hungry, why can’t they recognize when the little one needs the bathroom?
  2. Admittedly, even Montana originally thought it was nuts. In a YouTube video, Montana revealed that she had no faith that the method would work when she first heard about it, but she quickly became a convert when she got Blue to use the potty for the first time at only two weeks old. In fact, it’s been so successful that she hasn’t bought diapers since.
  3. She believes this method is so much easier than trying to untrain kids to use diapers. “Babies are born with absolutely no preconceived knowledge of how to go to the bathroom and so if we don’t teach them to go in their nappy, then we don’t have to unteach them,” Montana explained. “It just makes a lot of sense to just straight up say ‘we go to the toilet this way.'”
  4. It only really takes a day. According to Montana, after Blue learned to go along with Elimination Communication via a Tupperware container, they soon switched to a mini potty and the rest is history. “We recommend setting aside one day, Blue took one day to learn she needed to go toilet in the Tupperware container. Then after that, it was up to us to read the signs,” she explained. “After that, you could tell Blue is like ‘I go to the potty now, take me to the potty.’ Which was really sweet because she was two weeks old when that happened, and it blew our minds.”
  5. It’s better for the environment as well. Fewer diapers in a landfill mean less stress on the environment, which can only be a good thing. And hey, if it works for them, why not?

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