An angry mom who threatened to blow up her children’s school and who drove towards a toddler with a “massive grin” on her face has somehow managed to avoid jail. Charlotte Wallace, 29 and from Bolton, became enraged at Birtenshaw Special School, which she blamed for her kids being taken from her, leading her to take a number of completely inappropriate and illegal actions, Bolton News reports.
- Wallace began bombarding school employees with threatening emails. Cllr Adele Warren received the bulk of these messages, which eventually warranted police involvement. “I promise now, if I don’t get my two children back, there will be a mass number of parents collecting bodies of theirs. I will blow the f***ing school and CEO up. Try me,” Wallace wrote in one email dated December 7, 2019.
- She even tried to harm her neighbor. According to Prosecutor Neil Ronan, Wallace was in an ongoing dispute with her neighbor and let the frustration of what was happening with her kids overtake her, leading her to drive her car at Levi Cracknell and her children as they walked to school one day. It was said that Wallace had a “massive grin” on her face during the incident.
- Wallace was actually trying to run them down. The court heard that on January 25, Cracknell was walking with a friend and their six children, aged two to eight, on the way to school when Wallace “plowed onto the path” with her Mini Cooper, allegedly “aiming at her 2-year-old.” While Cracknell was able to push the child out of harm’s way, Wallace’s 10-year-old brother who was in the car with her was said to have “looked terrified.”
- She pleaded guilty to multiple charges. In court, Wallace pleaded guilty to charges including dangerous driving, attempted assault, assault, and making a malicious communication. However, she claimed that she just wanted to scare Cracknell, not harm her. Wallace has since moved out of Bolton and to Dundee.
- Wallace won’t spend a day behind bars. The judge initially delayed the sentencing to give Wallace a chance to get her life in order. She was told during that time that she had to move, avoid contact with her victims, and also provide medical evidence that her fibromyalgia and back problem make her unable to work. She has since complied, leading Judge Timothy Stead to sentence her to 10 months in prison suspended for two years.