A British Muslim man revealed that he was left “vomiting for days” after accidentally eating a Burger King burger “loaded” with bacon. Gundogdu Yuzudik, who lives in London, said he repeatedly told the server not to put bacon on his double cheeseburger when he visited the BK location at Stansted Airport earlier this month. Sadly, the 22-year-old found out the hard way that she didn’t listen.
- Yuzudik has never eaten pork. Because of his religious beliefs, he has avoided pork and pork products for his entire life. Eating bacon inadvertently after never having had it before and being vehemently against it therefore left him feeling disgusted and “physically sick.”
- He knew something wasn’t right pretty quickly. “When I went to eat my burger, I took a bite and it didn’t taste right. I opened the bun and it was loaded with bacon,” he recalled. “Even the smallest bite made me feel mentally and physically sick. For three days after, I wasn’t eating properly. I was physically hungry but I couldn’t eat without vomiting. I was feeling sick.”
- Part of his illness was down to being afraid he’d make the same mistake again. Yuzidik couldn’t eat for a few days partly because he kept thinking everything was bacon. “The thought of the bacon made me feel sick. Even when I’d be chewing anything, I was automatically thinking it was bacon,” he explained. “The first day, I didn’t eat. By the third day, I was slowly getting back to eating. I was starving, but I physically and mentally couldn’t eat anything.”
- Burger King wasn’t interested when he complained. While the incident traumatized Yuzidik, the staff at Burger King didn’t really seem to care. “It’d been my plan that I was never going to eat it in my life. I didn’t know whether I was going to have an allergic reaction. That’s how important it was to me,” he said. “I went back to the Burger King and complained, but they weren’t very helpful. They just apologized and that was it. Nothing else, which really shocked me.”
- He decided to share his story on TikTok. Hoping that the story might go viral and Burger King employees and managers would be a little more careful, Yuzidik shared his story on TikTok, where it’s been viewed nearly 100,000 times. While he understands mistakes happen, he hopes that they’ll pay more attention in the future.
- Burger King did eventually respond. The company said in a statement: “We’re committed to providing passengers with a great experience at our restaurants, and we’re sorry to have fallen short on this occasion. In light of this incident, we will be retraining our team and making sure all customized orders are double-checked before they are served to help ensure it doesn’t happen again. We have been in contact with the customer to apologize directly.”