I want to find love and share my life with someone eventually, but that isn’t all I’m looking for. There’s a lot I want to accomplish in my own life before that, and I’ll always be my first priority, even after I meet my person… So, sure, I’d love to fall head over heels and get married one day, but my biggest love story will always be with myself.
- I’ll always strive to become my best possible self. I’ve conditioned myself to go for my goals and constantly better myself not just to ensure a better future for myself, but to become a more well-rounded person in general. I’ve never believed that the key to happiness lies in a relationship. It’s who I am in the relationship and out of it that matters. I need to be bringing my best self to the table at all times, which means I need to keep working on self-improvement no matter what my relationship status is.
- I want my partner to be a true companion, not an accessory. When I’ve pictured the perfect guy for me, he isn’t Prince Charming or a knight in shining armor who’s going to rescue me from my single girl life — he’s so much more. I want to end up with a guy who’s going to be my true companion and my ride or die partner in crime as we continue to journey this thing called life. I don’t just want someone to take with me to cocktail parties — I want a best friend.
- I don’t plan on giving up my career. I may not be in a relationship right now and it’s possible I may never end up married at all. Instead of chasing a cookie cutter life, I’ve been chasing goals to further myself and it’s been a truly rewarding process that I can’t imagine giving up just to have a guy in my life. Some girls chase love to find a husband but I’m too busy chasing my dream career.
- I want a life that represents me and doesn’t take away from who I am. I’m picky about who I want to invite into my life in a real way because I won’t accept anything less than someone who fits in and complements everything I’ve built and vice versa. We should both be uniquely defined individuals who make an explosive combination in love. Anything less doesn’t interest me.
- I’m a modern woman, not a 1950s housewife. I’m fortunate to live in a day and age where women can be more than just mothers and housewives. There’s nothing wrong with that if that’s what you want for your life, but I don’t. I don’t need a husband to take care of me — I’m basically like my own husband already in that regard.
- I want to leave a legacy for my future children. I don’t just want to make a life for myself that I’m proud of, I want to leave a legacy that my kids can be proud of someday, as well. The big picture starts with understanding that the choices I’m making right now, even before I find that right guy for me, are setting up the foundation for any tiny humans I may create one day. Having kids seems like the easy part — it’s the life you build around them that makes a huge difference, and that’s what I’m striving to build in the meantime.
- The real love story will always be the one with myself. Perhaps the reason that finding a husband isn’t my goal is because I’ve already found so much more in the absence of love that more than makes up for the lack of any man standing next to me in life. I’ve discovered myself and the true meaning of self-love and self-respect. I’m not living this life to find a guy to marry, nor do I think that’s the way to achieve the ultimate state of happiness. There’s a lot more waiting for me in my future.