My Boyfriend Is A Big Kid At Heart And Our Relationship Is Amazing Because Of It

My Boyfriend Is A Big Kid At Heart And Our Relationship Is Amazing Because Of It

I used to think that adult relationships had to be serious and intense, but when I started dating my boyfriend, I realized that a bit of playfulness can go a long way. My boyfriend is a big kid at heart and our relationship is so much fun because of it.

  1. He doesn’t take life too seriously. He doesn’t stress the small stuff because he knows it won’t be important in a year or two. He never brings work problems home and never checks his emails when he’s off. He takes full advantage of his time when he’s not working and prioritizes quality rest and relaxation. He’d rather spend his energy on living a simple and easy-going life rather than one full of drama and unnecessary anxiety.
  2. He still has out-of-this-world dreams and ambitions. Even though he’s a full-fledged adult, he still has big dreams of becoming a doctor and speaking at huge conferences one day. He’s never given up on his long-term goals or settled for something “realistic.” With every job and project, he actively works on getting closer to his dream career. There’s always room for growth and improvement and for him, there’s no such thing as being “too old” to dream. It’s actually really inspiring.
  3. He’s far from boring. Because he’s so playful and silly, there’s never a dull moment when we’re together. There’s always something new to do or places to see. When we’re hanging out at home, we crack jokes and have engaging conversations. We don’t always have to go out on grand adventures just to have fun. Just hanging out and watching our favorite shows is just as enjoyable and I love that we can have a great time no matter what we’re doing.
  4. He doesn’t care about what other people think. He isn’t scared of people making fun of him and he rarely gets embarrassed. If he wants to do something fun and silly, he will. He prioritizes his own happiness and self-acceptance over receiving approval and validation from others. He doesn’t feel the need to show off his fancy stuff or his amazing life on social media for likes and comments. He’s a prime example of a free spirit and I adore that about him.
  5. He knows how to balance work and play. Of course there are times when life isn’t so fun and we have to get serious. Thank goodness my boyfriend knows the difference and when to switch things up. Nothing is more annoying than when your S.O. is cracking awkward jokes in the middle of a serious conversation. On the other hand, it’s also a bummer when your partner is being a total downer when you’re totally enjoying yourself. Striking a balance between the two is so important in work and in life and he definitely has.
  6. He treats me like a friend and a partner-in-crime. I don’t know why some people think couples can’t be friends or why some people get offended when their partner refers to them as a friend. Our friendship brought us a new level of respect for each other that goes beyond just being boyfriend/girlfriend. We can be real and honest with each other as well as make fun of each other without worrying about things being taken out of context. Romance and intimacy are nice and all, but sometimes when you want to just kick back and relax, all you really need is a good friend, not a lover.
  7. He’s adventurous AF. Everyone has their habits and routines, including my boyfriend. However, he can be quite adventurous and he’s not scared to try new things, whether it’s food, workouts, or even fashion. He’s not closed-minded and is always open to new experiences. I can’t tell you enough how amazing this was for our relationship. I’ve introduced him to a ton of chick flicks, new cuisines, and hobbies of mine. Because of this, I felt like he was genuinely interested in trying things that I loved to do. If there was something that neither of us had tried before, we could experience it together, which made it less intimidating.
  8. He actually gets excited over the little things. It doesn’t matter if it’s as small as a store promotion or as big as buying a new game console, he gets excited about it. It’s kind of cute, actually. His hyped up energy is amazing and contagious, which I love. I feel like it’s always fun to see someone get really excited about something, and this is definitely the case with my boyfriend.
  9. He brings out the little kid in me. I can be a pretty intense person at times and I definitely take life way too seriously. Since my boyfriend is naturally a big kid at heart and is usually energetic and happy, I’d hate to bring his energy down with something that’s going on in my own personal life. Instead, I try to focus on the positive things in life and being present with him. He constantly reminds me to do some rest and relaxation of my own and to have fun once in a while, which I tend to forget.
Katrina Torrijos is a lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from San Jose, Ca. She is passionate about helping young professionals find their footing in the real world through advice, conversation, motivation, and affirmation. Read more of her work at