NASA Will Show You The Space Photo The Hubble Telescope Took On Your Birthday

NASA Will Show You The Space Photo The Hubble Telescope Took On Your Birthday

Space is cool. Sorry to state the obvious here but it is. The universe is absolutely endless and we know so little about it because there are so many millions and billions of places we can’t reach. However, thanks to spacecraft like the Hubble Telescope, we can get a small glimpse of what it looks like out there. In fact, NASA will even show you a photo the telescope took on your birthday!

  1. The Hubble Telescope was launched in 1990. It’s one of the biggest and most versatile telescopes ever launched, though it’s not the oldest, and it’s been sending back some incredible photos ever since. This year marks its 30th birthday and hopefully it will serve us for many more, showing us the deepest corners of space we can only ever dream of visiting.
  2. NASA wants to celebrate Hubble’s birthday. While obviously those celebrations are confined to the internet given the current state of affairs, it also means we get access to cool things like NASA’s service that will show you a photo the telescope took on your birthday. You never know what you’re going to see until you enter the month and day you were born.
  3. You never know, you could see something really cool. Because Hubble has taken so many photos over the years, the one that will pop up for your birthday will be a total surprise and could end up being something super cool. The telescope has captured everything from the Monkey Head Nebula to the rings of Jupiter, so you never know what you’re going to see!
  4. What a cool way to celebrate Hubble’s birthday—and your own! If you want to find out what Hubble took a photo of on your birthday, you can just plug in the month and day on the NASA website HERE. You then hit Submit and voila, you get to see something awesome in space! For my birthday, I saw a shot of Galaxy ESO 510-G13. Who knows what that is, but it’s cool!
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