While you’re practicing social distancing, things can get a little lonely. You want to do your part to protect yourself and other vulnerable people from illness but you’re also going a little crazy without time with your friends. Well, have no fear! Netflix Party is here to help you be social even while self-isolating and it’s a brilliant idea.
- It’s exactly what it sounds like. Netflix Party is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to remotely binge-watch your favorite Netflix TV shows and movies with a group of your friends online while you chat about it in real-time. It works by synchronizing video playback and adding a group chat element to the side of the screen. Amazing!
- It’s free to use. There’s no fee to use the service. As long as you have the Chrome browser installed on your computer as well as the Netflix Party extension installed and a Netflix account and you’re good to go. It literally couldn’t be simpler.
- So how do you use it? Once you and your friends have the Netflix Party extension installed, you’ll see an “NP” icon in your Chrome toolbar. Simply go to the Netflix website, log into your account, begin playing a video, and then click the “NP” button. You can choose to be the one who controls the pausing, rewinding, and other features. Once you’re good to go, you simply click “Start the Party” and copy the URL provided to pass on to your friends who you’d like to join.
- This is exactly what we need right now. We all want to do the right thing but loneliness is real. At least with something like this, we can spend time with our BFFs even while we’re apart and enjoy activities that we’d do together when we were actually hanging out. It’s perfect! You can download the extension HERE. Happy watching!