Never Change These 10 Things About Yourself, No Matter What

Never Change These 10 Things About Yourself, No Matter What

You shouldn’t change yourself to get a boyfriend, to make new friends, or to try to raise your confidence. You’re beautiful just the way you are. You shouldn’t sacrifice your soul to impress strangers. It’s just not worth it. Here are a few things that you should never change about yourself:

  1. Your morals. If you’re against drugs and drinking, you shouldn’t date someone who pressures you to do those things. There’s a man out there that feels the same way as you do, but you just have to find him.
  2. Your dreams. You’re perfectly capable of landing the job that you’ve always wanted to have. Don’t let anyone talk you out of going after your dreams, even if they make a compelling argument.
  3. Your excitement over your guilty pleasures. Don’t get embarrassed over your love of pop music or the Kardashians. You should be happy that you’re passionate about something, whatever that something may be.
  4. Your standards. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been single or if you’re going crazy from a dry spell. You should never lower your standards, because you deserve the very best.
  5. Your style. You don’t have to look like a copy of every other girl in the world. If you hate wearing little black dresses and heels, then you never have to wear them.
  6. Your openness. There’s nothing wrong with wearing your heart on your sleeve. Don’t let anyone convince you that you should hold yourself back from expressing your feelings, because it’s healthier to let everything loose.
  7. Your name. If you don’t want to change your name after you get married, you don’t have to. You don’t belong to your husband after you say your vows, which means you can keep your identity.
  8. Your opinions. Don’t let anyone change your opinion on a band or on another person. Everyone has their own opinion, so there’s nothing wrong with thinking differently than your friends think.
  9. Your looks. Feel free to change your hair color or length. Just think it through before you decide to go under the knife and get a boob job or nose job, because you’re beautiful just the way you were born.
  10. Your attitude. As you get older, it’s hard to keep your carefree attitude. However, you should try to behave the way you did when you were a kid and actually enjoy every moment of life for what it is.  
Holly Riordan is a writer from Long Island, New York who has authored several science fiction and horror books. A graduate of Stony Brook University, she has spent nearly a decade writing for publications including Thought Catalog, Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, and more. You can find her on Instagram @hollyrio and Twitter @hollyyrio.