11 Reasons You Never Saw Your Breakup Coming

You had a gut feeling something was wrong, but you stayed with your partner figuring things would get better only to get dumped out of the blue. There were signs but you ignored them. Here’s what happened.

  1. You turned a blind eye. Again and again, you kept trying to ignore your boyfriend’s bad behavior or how your girlfriend could never commit to anything. You turned a blind eye in the hope that it was a one-off. Unfortunately, it was a sign of something more serious.
  2. You didn’t want to face your partner’s flaws. Who does? When you meet someone amazing, the last thing you want is to see that they’re not as perfect as you thought. You cling onto the idea of who you think they are, but the danger is that if they’re giving you signs that they’re not right for you, you could find yourself getting dumped out of the blue.
  3. You thought it was just a phase. When your partner was being a bit distant and writing it off as work stress, you believed him. What could you do? You didn’t want to jump the gun and think that something bigger was brewing, like a breakup.
  4. You thought they were moody with everyone. Maybe there were times when your partner was moody, rude, or just a bit insensitive. Instead of thinking you were the problem, you thought that they were like this with everyone. You should have gotten out of the relationship because whether they have some bad personality traits or they’re actually just being a jerk around you, you deserve better!
  5. You thought they would change. You knew they could be a bit of an a-hole at times, but you stuck around because you thought (and hoped) he’d change. You thought they’d stop prioritizing his friends once your relationship became a bit more serious. Maybe they’d become the charming, sweet person they were when you first started dating. Maybe they’d be awesome again. Yikes. The disclaimer to all this: that person from the early stages of your relationship who seemed perfect doesn’t really exist if they’re a jerk now. Your partner’s never going to change, no matter how much you try to make them into someone different.
  6. You didn’t trust your gut. Everything seemed great in your relationship on the surface, but deep down your gut was screaming at you to GTFO. You didn’t listen and ended up paying the price for it. In future, always make your gut a priority because it really does have your best interest at heart. Even when situations seem like they’re OK, if your gut says otherwise, it’s because there’s something going on about which you don’t have all the info… yet.
  7. You thought it was just the honeymoon phase ending. When things started to go a bit south with your partner, you thought it was just the end of the honeymoon stage. However, there’s a difference between the end of a honeymoon phase and the end of a connection between two people. It’s normal for the butterflies to stop flying madly in your stomach after a few weeks of dating, but it’s quite another thing if it feels like you and your partner just aren’t that crazy about each other.
  8. You didn’t realize they were putting you on hold. It’s important to notice the subtle signs that someone’s moving you down their priority ladder. If your partner always used to ask you for advice, but lately they’re just been doing their own thing or confiding in their friends instead, that’s a bad sign. You’re being demoted.
  9. You thought they were just comfortable. It’s awesome when you reach a level of comfort in your relationship. It feels like things are much more secure. However, don’t confuse your partner feeling comfortable around you with them no longer making an effort. Neflix and chill two weekends in a row? Comfortable. Never taking you on real dates or to meet their loved ones? Not making an effort and probably changing their mind about you.
  10. You didn’t care about compliments. You don’t need your partner to praise you in order for you to feel worthy as a human being, but receiving compliments makes you feel loved and appreciated. Those two things are really important in relationships. If you thought that they weren’t telling you how beautiful you are because it’s not like you’ve just met or something, bear in mind that there are many more important compliments to receive. What about telling you how much you mean to them and how much better you make their life? When someone stops telling you they appreciate you, it’s only a matter of time before they stop showing you and they start walking away from the relationship.
  11. You thought it was no big deal for them to be anti-marriage. Your partner told you they weren’t into marriage and you figured it wasn’t such a big deal. It doesn’t have to be unless they’re also showing you that they’re not into having a family or doing anything else that requires a commitment on their part. That’s shady, and ignoring those words can leave you dumped before you realize it’s happened.
Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.