Night Sky Petunias Let You Enjoy The Beauty Of The Galaxy In Plant Form

Night Sky Petunias Let You Enjoy The Beauty Of The Galaxy In Plant Form

I’m someone who’s always looking for unique and beautiful plant life to add to my garden. I like flowers and plants that make a statement, that stand out to create unique patterns and colors, and just offer something a little different. I’d say night sky petunias fit the bill!

  1. The purple and white blossoms are like a whole galaxy in a little plant. The petals of the night sky petunia are deep, velvety purple interspersed with explosions of white. It’s like a million constellations all on a little flower and it’s incredibly beautiful.
  2. They’re one of the most amazing summer bloomers out there. Night sky petunias flower early, with blooms from May through September, which means they’ll brighten up your garden all summer long. However, they’re not frost hardy, so you’ll need to keep them protected when the colder weather comes.
  3. Night sky petunias work perfectly in baskets or patio planters. They’re only slightly trailing but mostly molded flowers, so you can put them in hanging baskets or patio planters in your back yard (or front – whatever you’d like!). That makes it perfect for smaller spaces where spreading is undesirable.
  4. Whether in full sun or part shade, these flowers are adaptable. While night sky petunias really love full sunshine, they’ll also thrive in partly shaded areas if 24/7 light isn’t available. Not only that, but they’re disease-resistant and tolerate heavy rains and winds really well. In other words, they’re hardy little babies!
  5. This is the perfect time for planting some if you want them. You can get these beautiful flowers in plug plant or seed form, though the former is probably easiest (and will give you blooms much more quickly, obviously). The sooner you get them potted/planted, the sooner your garden will be full of gorgeous galaxies and constellations right before your very eyes.

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