We’ve all been there—that late night text comes through from your ex/hookup/the guy you like who will never actually date you and you’re feeling lonely or maybe drunk in that moment, throwing on shoes and getting in the car to head to his place seems like the right choice, but don’t. You’ll regret it every single time.
- If he only wants you at night, he doesn’t deserve you. If you’re only on his mind when he’s lying awake late at night and feeling horny, then you’ll never be more than a piece of ass to him. A real gentleman will text you during the light of day and want to see you more often than once in a while when he’s craving a little lovin’.
- Any promise he makes is going to turn up empty. Anything a guy says to get you to come over for a booty call is just that—charming lines to get you to come over so he can get laid. You can’t take it at face value and you can’t trust it to be true beyond that specific moment in time. You’ll only be disappointed. Unless you’re fine with being used for sex, don’t bother.
- Regardless of your history, he’s only thinking about himself. It’s common for him to drudge up the past, say you owe him one, claim he never got closure, or suggest that you “just have some fun.” The truth is, he’s as selfish as he ever was. He is only worried about what he wants, and showing up and putting out isn’t going to change that.
- Your self-worth shouldn’t be tied to someone else. It feels amazing to be wanted by another person, but that’s not what should define you. You’re more than a notch on his belt and you’re certainly more than that 2 a.m. call or text. The minute you see yourself to be as small as he’s trying to make you, he wins. Once you devalue yourself, it’s very hard to go back.
- You should always trust your gut. If every part of you besides your sex drive is screaming, “Don’t do it!” then you need to listen. Of course the idea of mindless fooling around is appealing, especially if it’s been a while since someone tended to your needs. But there’s a reason everything north of your belly button is unsure. Do yourself a favor and go with your instincts, not your libido.
- You won’t be alone forever. It’s easy to think that he’ll be the only one who wants you, but that’s a ridiculous reason to give in to his pressure. Not only will there be plenty of other partners in your future, but most of them will want your company at times other than just in the middle of the night. Don’t waste your energy giving any more of yourself to someone like him.
- The sex is always worse than you remember or expect it to be. With a few rare exceptions, you’re most likely going to leave disappointed in more ways than one. Plus, there are far better ways to get yourself off than using the jerk who’s blowing up your phone at 2 a.m.
- One day you’ll know that you’re good enough. It seems hard to believe right now, but one day someone will come along who shows you how you deserve to be treated. And when he does, you’ll look back at the times you gave into that booty call and wish you could go back in time and tell yourself it wasn’t worth it.
- It won’t change anything between you. Regardless of what you think he wants, what he’s said or what he’s implied, casual sex on a whim isn’t going to bring your “relationship” to the next level. If he wanted to change how things are, he would treat you like a human instead of a piece of ass.
- Everything looks different when you’re lonely. When you’re lying awake hugging your knees to your chest and wondering when someone will ever love you the way you need, you’re at your most vulnerable. If you allow yourself to take a step back and see the big picture, you’ll realize that having someone bad for you isn’t actually better than not having anyone at all.
- If you give in once, you’re bound to do it again. We all know that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Don’t let history repeat itself by giving in over and over. It will only make you more likely to do it again. And unfortunately, the regret won’t get easier.
- You don’t need him, no matter how much you think you do. In the scheme of your life and your relationships, eventually he’ll be a non-important part of your past. It’s natural to catastrophize in the moment and convince yourself you want to go over but if you have to do any convincing, it’s not the right call.
- When you wake up the next day, you’ll be glad you stayed home. There’s nothing more validating than re-reading his texts the next morning and being happy that you didn’t run over when he begged. You’re better and stronger than his pathetic attempts to use you, and damn will it feel good to know you didn’t give in.