Does he like me or not? I’m way too old to be picking off flower petals trying to guess how a man feels. After all my years of dating, I’ve learned that if it’s not obvious that a guy likes me, then he clearly doesn’t like me enough and he’s not worth my time.
- Actions speak louder than words. He might say that he likes me, but how is he showing me that? I want to be able to feel a guy’s affection for me. He can’t tell me he loves me and then treat me like I mean absolutely nothing to him, or even simply treat me like a friend. If he wants more than just a friendship or casual relationship, then he should act like it or I’ll assume he’s not feeling it.
- I don’t want to be with someone who can’t even tell me how he feels. While actions might be more powerful, words serve a purpose too. If he’s into me, he should tell me and I’ll offer the same in return. When emotions are strong enough, they can’t help but be expressed. I’m not interested in dealing with bottled-up feelings, so if a guy can’t open up to me then we shouldn’t be together.
- If he can’t make a move then he’s not trying hard enough. I want a man who will step out of his comfort zone and take a risk because he thinks I’m worth it. I might be old-fashioned in wanting a guy to make the first move, but I think that says a lot about how much he cares for me. If he wants to be with me, he’ll make it happen; if not, I’m moving on.
- I don’t want to decipher mixed signals. I have much better things to do with my time than trying to figure out if a guy is actually into me or he’s keeping me around in case no one better comes along. The message should be loud and clear one way or the other. This isn’t a game and I’m not going to try to figure out the puzzle. If he can’t be straightforward about how he feels then you’re obviously confused yourself. No thanks.
- I want to be with a guy who only has eyes for me. If he’s keeping your options open and playing the field then I’m not sticking around. I don’t do casual. I want something serious and I want to be with a guy who’s after the same level of commitment as me. He won’t let his eyes wander and he won’t be afraid of making things official because at the end of the day, he likes me enough to be with me and only me.
- I don’t want to be plagued with doubts. I have enough anxiety already. I don’t want to throw worrying about a guy into the mix. I shouldn’t have to wonder day after day and night after night if the guy I’m into is on the same page as I am. I want safety and security, not worry. If he can’t clear the doubt from my mind enough to show me he’s sure about me, I have to walk away.
- I’m done wasting time on guys who play me hot and cold. One minute he acts like I’m the only girl in the world and the next he’s ignoring my texts. It’s confusing AF and I’m not putting up with it from any guys anymore. He has to either be interested all the time or none of the time. He can’t want me one day and ignore me the next. Playing me hot and cold is just plain cruel.
- I want a man who’s all-in. If he can’t give me 100% then I’m not interested in just a piece of his heart. I want the whole damn thing. I need a guy who’s totally available on an emotional level. Can he commit to me? Can he put himself entirely into this relationship, or will he always have one foot out the door? He’s either all in and it’s obvious or we’re nothing at all.
- I’m willing to put myself out there—I want the same in return. I’m not asking anything of a guy that I’m not willing to do myself. I’ll tell a man exactly what I want and exactly how I feel. I’ll make my feelings and intentions obvious. All I’m asking is that he does the same. If I like him enough to be vulnerable with him then I want you to like me that much too.