104-Year-Old Nursing Home Resident Begs To See Family One Last Time Before She Dies

104-Year-Old Nursing Home Resident Begs To See Family One Last Time Before She Dies

A 104-year-old nursing home resident has filmed a heartbreaking video begging to see her family again before she dies. Mary Fowler has been in lockdown at the care home where she lives in Fife, Scotland since March and has been unable to see her family since the coronavirus prevention measures began except through a closed window.

  1. Mary has been struggling with loneliness. In the upsetting video, Mary admits that “time is getting on for me” and that she needs to see her family before she eventually passes away (which hopefully won’t be for a very long time).
  2. Thankfully, she’s being looked after well. Mary admits in the video that staff at the nursing home are doing a good job taking care of her, but that even their kindness can’t make up for the love and togetherness of having her family members around her face-to-face.
  3. Mary hopes someone can help reunite her with her kids. “This is my right, please help. It’s cutting me to bits. I must see my kids,” she begs in the video posted to Twitter Cathie Russell of the Care Homes Relative Scotland Campaign. “Time is getting on for me. I must see my children and make things like they used to be. Please help me, help me. Please, please help.”
  4. Health and safety are key but there has to be a happy medium. There’s no denying that loneliness can be a killer just as much as COVID-19, and it’s important to find a balance between keeping people safe but also allowing them to fulfill the basic human need of love, affection, and closeness with their loved ones. Here’s hoping that Mary is able to see her family soon.
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