Depending on who you ask, one-night stands can mean a lot of different things. For many people, it’s the perfect way to get some action without all the feelings and commitment, while others might be hoping it could turn into something more. It’s not likely, but it could happen — here’s why a one-night stand could turn into a good relationship.
- You might go back for more. Technically a one-night stand happens once, but if it keeps going, then there’s something you like about him, even if it’s just sex at first.
- Sex can lead to feelings. You might really try to separate the two, but there’s always the possibility of developing feelings for someone, and he for you.
- You get to know him. Without all the dating pretense, you might get to know him in a different way really quickly. Getting naked on day one isn’t for everyone, but you’re certainly going to learn something about the guy from doing it.
- You’re totally yourself around him. You had zero expectations when you went home with him, so you didn’t think about appearing “dateable” like you sometimes do. That can actually make you more dateable then when you’re trying to impress someone.
- The two of you are in the same place. It’s entirely possible that you’ll both head into different places, with different needs, that still match up. You or he might want a relationship today, but later it could be a different story.
- Because why not? There’s no right time to have sex with someone or proper length of time to wait, so there’s no reason why the right person couldn’t be a first day sleepover partner.
- The more time you spend with him, the more you like him. In most cases, there’s something that drew you to him, whether you can articulate it or not. It might be entirely different than what you’re usually drawn to, and sometimes you’ll be surprised at how great something you weren’t even looking for can be.
- You can’t totally avoid the intimacy. There are a lot of different types of intimacy. Sex is just one of them, but it can make things more intense in certain ways faster, so you’ll get a good idea of how you feel about the person real quick.
- Timing is a weird thing. Who knows you could have a one-night stand with no further contact and then you run into the guy a year later and sparks fly? Stranger things have happened, and a lot of the time these things only make sense in retrospect.
- Studies say so. One study found that people who hook up early can have the same relationship quality of couples who wait, just depending on the situation. Do you.