Pantsless Florida Woman Arrested In Convenience Store Claimed Police Told Her She Didn’t Have To Wear Underwear

Pantsless Florida Woman Arrested In Convenience Store Claimed Police Told Her She Didn’t Have To Wear Underwear

A 21-year-old Florida woman was arrested on June 3 for walking around pantsless at a local convenience store. Police from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Circle K in Umatilla at 1:30 a.m. after receiving reports of a “naked woman in public.” When they arrived, they found Kendall Mabry wandering the aisles with her nether regions on full display without a care in the world, according to an arrest report obtained by The Smoking Gun.

  1. Unsurprisingly, Mabry was pretty inebriated. The responding officers wrote in their report that Mabry smelled of alcohol and used slurred speech when speaking, indicating that she was extremely drunk. Why that would make her want to completely disrobe and walk around naked from the waist down isn’t certain, but perhaps the booze does explain a bit.
  2. Mabry claimed she was allowed to walk around pantsless. After a sheriff’s deputy and an employee at Circle K saw Mabry coming out of the bathroom of the store “with no pants or underwear on,” Mabry was questioned about it. In response, she “stated that another deputy told her it was fine to do that.”
  3. Thankfully, her pants were located safely. As it turns out, Mabry’s pants were in her car all along! So was “the smell of marijuana” which was said to have been wafting from the vehicle. Oops!
  4. Mabry was arrested and booked into the county jail. She was charged with disorderly intoxication and released from jail after posting $500 bond. She pleaded not guilty to the crime. Next time she decides to head to her local convenience store in the future, hopefully she’ll take her pants with her.
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