Parents Take Internet Modem On Mini Vacation After Kids Refuse To Go

Parenting is a thankless job. Your kids don’t understand or appreciate the things you do simply to protect them and to ensure their happiness until they’re much older, and you have to be incredibly strong not to take their dismissals and sometimes outright anger/hatred personally. When Cassie Langan’s three kids refused to go on a day trip with her and her husband, she didn’t get mad. Instead, she decided to take the most overworked member of the family instead: the internet modem.

modem trip

  1. Who wouldn’t want to go to Warrnambool for the day? If you’re wondering where the hell Warrnambool is and what’s there, Google tells me that it’s a city on the Great Ocean Road in the Australian state of Victoria. It’s full of gorgeous beaches, some lovely restaurants, and just lots of nature-y goodness. I wish I was there right now, frankly, but Cassie’s kids weren’t feeling the one-day vacation. Their loss!
  2. Thankfully, Cassie has a sense of humor. When Cassie and husband Chris’s kids informed them that the trip was “too boring” and they’d rather stay behind, she took the high road. “I decided that instead of taking 3 unappreciative kids out, we let the ones who didn’t want to go stay home and took our most over worked family member for a well deserved day out….. our modem,” she wrote in a now-viral Facebook post. “Modem had a fantastic day not being used by the kids and it was lovely not to listen to constant bickering. The only complaining was Evan being mortified that we took our modem out in public.”
  3. It does look like the modem had a great vacation, however short. In the photos that went along with Cassie’s Facebook post, the modem can be seen “posing” on the sandy beaches, “playing” some carnival games, and even enjoying the car ride on the way to Warrnambool. Hopefully the kids at home had quite a bit of data left on their phones because the internet was OUT.
  4. This is what you call perfect parenting. Is it petty as hell? YES. Is it hilarious and amazing? Most definitely. Cassie and Chris obviously have great senses of humor. Their kids probably didn’t find it funny at the moment, but they’ll totally appreciate this when they’re older.

modem trip

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