People Who Are Ignorant and Not That Smart Use These Common Phrases

People Who Are Ignorant and Not That Smart Use These Common Phrases

Ready to level up your vocabulary and impress people with your smarts? You don’t need a Mensa membership or a subscription to The New Yorker to sound intelligent. The first step might surprise you—it’s about knowing what not to say. These common phrases are best left behind, and there are much better ways to express yourself.

1. “I Could Care Less”

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This phrase actually means the opposite of what you intend. If you genuinely don’t care, it should be “I couldn’t care less.” To sound smart, get it right—or better yet, skip it altogether. Apathy isn’t impressive, especially these days!

2. “No Offense”

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If you’re about to say something that could hurt someone, this disclaimer doesn’t magically make it okay. Think before you speak. If you’re confident it’s harmless, say it without the preface. If it might be offensive, rephrase it or keep it to yourself.

3. “OMG”

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Unless you’re reacting to something truly incredible, tone down the drama. Using “OMG” for every minor event makes you seem immature. Save it for genuinely big moments, and you’ll sound more grounded and believable.

4. “Just Saying”

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This passive-aggressive phrase often follows a mean or sarcastic comment. It’s a way to dodge responsibility for your words. If you have something to say, own it—and if it’s hurtful, consider keeping it to yourself.

5. “Hashtag”

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Hashtags are fine for social media, but tossing them into everyday conversation? Not so much. It’s better to use real words that contribute to the discussion instead of sounding like a reality TV character.

6. “Like”

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“Like” has become a filler word, especially when used excessively. If every other word is “like,” you sound unsure or scattered. Practice pausing and organizing your thoughts to sound more articulate—it’s a tough habit to break, but worth it.

7. “Sorry Not Sorry”

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The ultimate in fake apologies. If you’re actually sorry, offer a sincere apology. If you’re not, own your insensitivity rather than hiding behind this non-apology. It’s a phrase that says a lot more about you than you think.

8. “Literally Can’t Even”

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If you’re truly overwhelmed, find real words to explain how and why instead of this catch-all phrase. “Can’t even” says little about what you’re actually feeling and gives the impression that you’re out of words.

9. “I Know, Right?”

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This empty affirmation adds nothing to a conversation. If you actually agree, share your real opinion. If you don’t, say that! Otherwise, you’re simply echoing without substance.

10. “To Be Honest”

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This phrase implies that you’re not always truthful, which can make people doubt you. Start with honesty, and you won’t need this to add weight to your words.

11. “Whatever”

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This dismissive word can immediately frustrate those around you. Either engage thoughtfully or step away from a conversation that doesn’t interest you. This habit adds nothing productive and only makes you sound detached or sarcastic.

12. “Literally”

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Overusing “literally” for emphasis can weaken its meaning. Try using words like “truly,” “actually,” or “seriously” to sound more credible. Let “literally” keep its actual meaning and avoid exaggeration.

13. “YOLO”

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This phrase has become an excuse for impulsive, thoughtless choices. Instead of using it to justify bad decisions, take responsibility for your actions. “YOLO” sounds more like an excuse than an empowering mantra.

14. “On Fleek”

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Outdated slang doesn’t add to a conversation—it can make you seem stuck in a trend that’s long past. If something looks great, say it simply. This word sounds try-hard rather than genuinely complimentary.

15. “I Can’t Even”

woman pursing her lips during date

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This phrase is overused for everything from minor annoyances to actual struggles. Instead of defaulting to this overdone expression, use words to explain what’s overwhelming you.

This content was created by a real person with the assistance of AI.

Georgia is a passionate story-teller and accomplished lifestyle journalist based in New York City.