‘Peppa Pig’ Introduces First Same-Sex Couple — Two Polar Bear Mommies

‘Peppa Pig’ Introduces First Same-Sex Couple — Two Polar Bear Mommies

Peppa Pig has introduced its first same-sex couple to the beloved children’s cartoon. In an episode called “Families” that aired on Tuesday night, Peppa’s classmate Penny Polar Bear revealed that she has two mommies while drawing a photo of her family. The photo contained two bears wearing dresses.

peppa pig same-sex couple

  1. Penny introduced her two mommies quite casually. For most children with same-sex parents, it’s completely normal and nothing extraordinary or strange. Why should it be? In “Families,” Penny described her family with loving admiration. “I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mommy and my other mommy. One mommy is a doctor and one mommy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti,” she said in the clip.
  2. This is the first time there’s been a same-sex couple on Peppa Pig. The series has been running since 2004, but it’s taken 18 years for a same-sex couple to be introduced. However, better late than never. Representation matters, and letting kids see families that look like theirs is a wonderful thing.
  3. People have been petitioning for this for years. Back in 2019, a petition was launched to include a same-sex parented family on Peppa Pig. “Children watching Peppa Pig are at an impressionable age, and excluding same-sex families will teach them that only families with either a single parent or two parents of different sexes are normal,” the petition read. “This means that children of same-sex parents may feel alienated by Peppa Pig, and that other children may be more likely to bully them, simply through ignorance.” Nearly 24,000 people signed it.
  4. Of course, not everyone has welcomed the change. Sadly, homophobia is still rampant around the world, and many have hit back at the decision to include a lesbian couple on the children’s cartoon. However, given how discriminatory and ridiculous their accusations are, we won’t be printing them here.


Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.