You Can Get A Prayer Candle With Your Dog’s Face On It, And Why Wouldn’t You?

You Can Get A Prayer Candle With Your Dog’s Face On It, And Why Wouldn’t You?

Dogs are precious angels and we as humans don’t deserve them. They’re full of love, joy, and so much personality and the companionship and unconditional acceptance they give us is unlike anything else. They’re basically saints, and now you can make it official by getting a prayer candle with your dog’s face on it.

dog prayer candle

  1. This is basically the perfect gift for any dog lover. Frankly, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love dogs, so I basically want to buy one of these for everyone I know who has a pup of their own, including myself. My little dog is a furry ball of trouble and yes, I consider him a saint and would be honored to fill my house with candles bearing his face.
  2. If you prefer cats, you can get your kitty’s face instead. Same goes for if you have a pet parrot, ferret, rat, or any other animal. I bet you love them like crazy, right? Well, show them by putting their face on a prayer candle and giving them the reverence they deserve.
  3. In fact, you don’t even have to put an animal’s face on it. This isn’t strictly a dog prayer candle or even a pet prayer candle. Etsy seller LitFriends lets you add anyone’s face you want, whether that’s your BFF or your partner, your sister, parent, etc.
  4. I mean, you could technically even put your own face on it. We’re all about self-love these days, and what better way to big yourself up than by giving yourself a sainthood and looking at your beautiful visage on a custom prayer candle? Obviously I’m being a bit facetious, but hey, if you’re lacking in confidence, this is a great way to fake it ’til you make it. Or, you could even gift it to your partner. Why wouldn’t they want to see you every day?
  5. Get yours on Etsy HERE. The prayer candles ship quickly (usually within one business day!) and cost less than $25, so get ordering!
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