These Rare Black Succulents Are The Perfect Plant For People Who Love A Little Darkness

There’s no shame in loving succulents more than life itself — no one understands that better than me. However, it’s also normal to get plant fatigue, to look at your collection and think, “I just want something different!” If you find yourself in that position, you need to find some of these incredibly rare and gorgeous black succulents to spice up your selection.

  1. They’re known as Sinocrassula Yunnanensis, AKA Chinese Jade. These black succulents are tiny little things that grow in clumps and only ever grow to be about four inches tall. They do tend to grow little white flowers, but when a large rosette blooms once, it dies off and is replaced by the smaller offshoots.
  2. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they’re native to Asia. These gorgeous black succulents are native to Yunnan province in China and can also be found in parts of Burma, north-western India, Bhutan, and Sumatra. The more you know!
  3. Technically speaking, they’re not black succulents at all. While their leaves appear so dark as to seem black, they’re actually an incredibly deep green (hence the “Jade” in their name). That may be true, but you’re not going to convince me that these aren’t the most goth succulents ever. I won’t hear anything different!
  4. Like many succulents, they’re easy to grow. If you want your own black succulents — fine, dark green —they are simple enough to grow like most succulents. However, because they’re crassulas, you’ll need to be particularly aware of mealy bugs and fungal diseases, which can be partly avoided by making sure you don’t overwater them.
  5. So how can you get some? If you’d like to grow your own, Amazon sells a pack of 10 seeds* for only $12.99. It’s also likely that you could find an already thriving plant from Etsy or even your local garden center. You may need to look around a bit, but it’ll be worth it for sure.

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