Getting into a relationship as an adult is scary AF. When you’re dating a new guy and things are going amazingly well, you might start to wonder if this guy is actually the real deal or just another a**hole who’s full of sh*t. Believe it or not, when you’ve found your forever guy, there are some clear ways to tell. It goes beyond the love that you feel for him — you experience these important things as well:
- You’ll ease into the relationship easily. It’s not complicated getting into a relationship with him and it’s almost alarming how easily you two mesh your worlds together. It’s not overly complicated or even a big deal — it just happens. Don’t freak out! That’s how it supposed to feel when you finally escape the f*ckboys and find the unicorn.
- You’ll be genuinely content and happy. Whether you’re in his company or not, you’re not overanalyzing things or worrying about where the relationship is headed because you feel it in your gut that things are finally right in your love life. Because of this, you experience a new sense of happiness and contentment that the guys before him never gave you.
- He’ll continue to be thoughtful long after he’s won you. His affection and courtesy towards you don’t stop just because he’s won you over and made you his girlfriend. In fact, the romance and fun never truly dies. When you’ve found a guy who’s truly in it with you forever, he knows that you both need to work hard on keeping the love alive. For the first time in a long time, you feel a sense of maturity that you’ve never felt in any other relationship before.
- You’ll know where you stand in his life because he tells and shows you often. You’re not left wondering if he still loves you or feels the same about you because he tells you often AND shows it. Sure, guys before have told you that they truly care about you, but with the forever guy, his reassurance is spoken not only with words but with actions too.
- You’ll plan and talk about the future together. He doesn’t hesitate to talk about the future with you because he can’t imagine you not being in his and vice versa. Talking about moving in together, getting married and having a family one day doesn’t freak him out because he’s actually ready and wants to take those next steps with you. He’s a grown man who knows what he wants and he doesn’t hesitate on seeing it through.
- He’ll invite you into his life in a real way. You’ve met the friends, the family and you know all about his colleagues because he talks about every detail about his life to you. He doesn’t hide you from the corners of his world because you’re a total and complete part of his.
- He’ll you even in your worst moments. Whether it’s waking up with those dreaded bags under your eyes or surviving the sting of food poisoning and all the gross details that come along with it, he loves you no matter how you look or how hard you’re struggling. He doesn’t criticize you or get turned off by the minor flaws that you have because he’s actually with you for who you are in your entirety.
- He’ll confide in you on a deep level. He’s definitely your forever guy if he doesn’t hesitate to tell you the most intimate and grueling details about himself. His fears, insecurities and the darkest times in his life are an open book to you because he knows he can actually trust you with his heart.
- You’ll enjoy making him happy and doing sweet things for him. He does a lot for you and you know it’s not because he has an ulterior motive, it’s because he genuinely gives a sh*t about you and your happiness. You don’t hesitate on paying it back to him tenfold because putting a giant smile on his face and making an effort to make him feel special is completely worth it — especially since he loves you the same way back. You’re no longer worried that your efforts will be for nothing because this time, it’s for real love.
- You’ll have a blast together even when you’re doing nothing. Even if you’re sitting together in complete silence or doing chores around the house, the feeling you get with him is unlike anything you’ve ever felt with anyone else. You don’t need a plan, a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant or a lavish display of affection to feel satisfied — you’re just genuinely happy to be together at all.
- You’ll be completely yourself around him. No one brings out your true potential and best self better than the guy who’s meant to be your forever guy. You don’t need to play any games, dull your personality down to avoid scaring him off or keep your flaws in a vault because no matter what sides you show him, he loves you all the way and forever.