Sarcastic Women Make The Best Friends, Hands Down

Sarcastic Women Make The Best Friends, Hands Down

Sarcastic women are kind of the stuff. They’re honest, intelligent, and can easily master just about any social situation with cutting wit and a ton of charm. If there’s no sarcastic girl in your squad, it’s time to go out and find one. They make the best friends for these 13 reasons (and probably a dozen more, too):

1. No subject is taboo. Nothing is off limits to your sarcastic friend.

They’re open to discussing, and poking fun at, just about every topic. They’re smart enough to pull off jokes about taboo subjects without being offensive or trashy.

2. They can always lighten the mood.

Things feeling a little too gloomy or serious? You can always count on your sassy friend to come through with witty jokes until you literally have no choice but to feel better.

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4. They aren’t afraid to ruffle some feathers.

They’re not overly concerned with whether or not their jokes and comments fluster people. They say what they want without tiptoeing around peoples’ feelings, which often results in insightful and hilarious witticisms.

5. They protect you with humor.

They can use their witty humor to shut down mean girls that are talking trash about you, make you realize how silly it is to sweat over the guy that blew you off, or cheer you up when you’re feeling depressed. They don’t just use sarcasm to protect themselves, they use their armor to protect you, as well.

6. The jokes never end.

They think everything is funny, so there’s always new joke material. They’d have no trouble making fun of the next comment that comes out of someone’s mouth.

7. They’re tough as hell.

Their sarcasm is like a super defense mechanism that prevents anything from hurting them. Who doesn’t want a tough girl on their squad?

8. They don’t mind being the butt of a joke.

They appreciate a well-constructed joke, even when it’s at their expense. They can handle being made fun of, and if done well, they’ll be laughing along with everyone else.

9. They can help you cope when your life is in shambles.

They can give you the courage to laugh at yourself while also putting some perspective on things. There’s nothing like some extreme sarcasm to help you realize your life really isn’t so horrible, even if you’re eating Raman out of the pot.

10. They won’t hesitate to make fun of everyone you don’t like.

Frenemies, enemies, exes, that guy that stole your cab that one time… they’re on board to mock them relentlessly until the end of time.

11. They don’t sugar coat the truth.

A sarcastic friend tells it like it is, to you and anyone around that’s BS’ing. It can be abrasive, but you know they’re always keeping it real.

12. They’re quick on their feet.

They always have the comebacks, the game plans, and the finesse to smooth over any awkward situation. Being fast thinkers is just one more reason they make invaluable friends.

13. They’re pros at putting jerks in their place.

There’s no match for the sarcastic woman when it’s time for a battle of the wits. If someone’s being a losers, they will not only shut them down, but do it in such a humiliating manner that they have no option but to reflect on their crappy personality traits.

14. They don’t give a crap what people think.

They’re not self-conscious and they could care less if people don’t like them. This carefree attitude is contagious and can make you feel liberated and confident.

Holly Harris is a freelance writer, full time student, and mommy to a toddler sass monster. In her (nearly nonexistent) free time, you can find her lifting something heavy in her home gym or chugging vodka sodas with friends. She contributes to several other sites, including Elite Daily.