So many of us dream of seeing the world with our partner, and while there’s something to be said for experiencing the joys of traveling with your soulmate, you should also know the joys of solo travel before you fall in love. Trust me — your romantic relationships will be all the better for it in the end. Here’s why:
- It’ll make you wiser. The more you see of the world, the more you’ll learn. And beyond naming different countries and recommending the best places for pizza in Italy and skiing in Japan, you’ll learn so much more about people and different cultures. Traveling the world will be an eye-opener. You’ll know so much more, and your potential true loves will see that.
- You’ll be clearer about what you want. Discovering the world will help you discover what you want from love. You’ll meet so many people on your travels, and they’ll help you realize what you’re looking for in your partner. You’ll come home wanting an English man because you absolutely fell in love with the accent or knowing you have to find someone that shares your passion for travel because you couldn’t get enough of it! Traveling will help refine (or expand) the list of what you want in your partner.
- You’ll be more experienced. My friends wink and laugh when I bring this one up, but no, I don’t just mean being better at flirting, kissing, and taking it to the next level with eligible bachelors. Hey, if you make the most of your love life when you’re overseas, then by all means go for it, but what I really mean is just being more experienced in general. You’ll be the girl that has hailing a cab down to perfection, you’ll be the queen of duty free, and you’ll know what works best when it comes to bed bug bites (from that old motel in France — ouch!). You’ll know more, and yes, you can definitely intrigue your partner with all that knowledge later!
- You’ll be more independent. Nothing can teach you independence better than being alone in a new city trying to communicate in a foreign language to get to your destination. And independence will come in handy when you fall in love. You’ll be able to hold your own in the relationship; you’ll be irresistibly independent to men. There’ll be no bossing you around!
- You’ll be more interesting. Seeing the world not only makes you more interested in others; it also makes you more interesting to them. You’ll revel in your experiences and want to hear more about the world, and there’ll be so many dinner table stories for you to tell. You’ll have people hanging on to your every word when you’re talking about your travels. And yes, that includes the people you date.
- You’ll have more of yourself to offer. Traveling will help you to learn more about yourself. You’ll know more about what you love, what you’re good at, and what you’re terrible at. You’ll be more in tune with who you are, and you’ll be able to offer all that to the person who’ll be lucky enough to be your partner.
- You’ll have experiences outside of your relationship. Being a couple is great, and don’t get me wrong, experiences shared between you and your loved ones should always be treasured. But it’s also important to have experiences outside of your relationship, to have your fair share of stories that are just your own, to have a record of things that you did and you’re proud of. It’s a confidence booster to know that you can do amazing things like exploring new countries all on your own. Your partner will admire you for it.
- You’ll appreciate what you have. Seeing the world and what’s out there will help you to appreciate what you have waiting for you back home. You’ll appreciate your tiny little apartment with your messy laundry and good air conditioning. After carrying luggage in transit and motel rooms, you’ll realize that what you have is great because it’s your own. And when that knight in shining armor of yours reveals himself, you’ll know how lucky you are to have him, because he will be all yours, too.
- You’ll be ready for love. The more you see of this world, the better prepared you’ll be to take on the challenge of falling in love. Because whatever they say, love isn’t a walk in the park. It’s more like landing smack dab in the middle of unknown territory and having to figure it all out with your partner. So prepare yourself, travel frequently, and be amazed at everything in this world as you know it. Because when you do fall in love, you’ll discover that love is a new world, and it will be better and more beautiful than anything else you’ve ever seen.