Genuine trust has become something of a rare gem. But when someone truly trusts you, they’ll show it through consistent actions and behaviors that demonstrate a deep level of comfort and security in the relationship. Let’s explore.
1. They Keep You In The Loop
When someone shares their daily updates with you, not just the highlight reel but also the boring moments, it’s a clear sign they trust you. They’ll text you about their doctor’s appointment results, call you first when they get exciting news about their job, or simply share what they had for lunch—because in their mind, you’re an essential part of their life. They might forward you important emails about their career moves, share screenshots of conversations they need your perspective on, or keep you updated about their family dynamics, knowing you’ll hold their confidence.
This constant flow of communication isn’t about seeking attention or validation; it’s about wanting to share their life with someone they trust implicitly. They believe that their experiences, whether big or small, are better when shared with you, and they want you to be part of their story. When they face challenges, you’re among the first to know, not because they need solutions, but because they value your presence. Keeping you informed isn’t just about sharing information; it’s about maintaining a connection that they deeply value and trust.
2. They Ask For Your Advice
When someone seeks your guidance, especially for important life decisions, they’re showing trust in your judgment and wisdom. They might come to you wondering whether to take that job offer in another city, or ask your thoughts about their relationship struggles, knowing that you’ll provide honest, thoughtful insights that have their best interests at heart. They’re actively seeking your input because they believe in your ability to see situations clearly and offer valuable perspectives—in other words, they feel safe, as Verywell Mind explains. They might share their deepest fears and uncertainties about their choices, trusting you to help them navigate through complex decisions without judgment. The way they lean into your advice shows that they value not just your opinion, but your ability to understand their situation holistically.
When they ask for your advice, they often share detailed context, including aspects they might not share with others because they trust your discretion and judgment. They’re willing to expose their decision-making process, including their doubts and second thoughts, knowing that you’ll handle this vulnerability with respect. The trust is evident in how they seriously consider your input, often coming back to discuss how they’ve implemented your suggestions or what they’ve learned from your perspective.
3. They Tell You Their Secrets

These aren’t just everyday things, they’re sharing the kind of information that could affect their relationships, careers, or personal lives if revealed. According to this study in the Journal of Personal Relationships, revealing such information suggests that the secret sharer trusts the recipient. They might tell you about their childhood traumas, their hidden aspirations that seem too vulnerable to share with others, or their greatest fears that they’ve never voiced aloud before. This level of disclosure often comes gradually, with each shared secret being a testament to their growing trust in your discretion and support.
The way they share these secrets is equally telling—they often preface their revelations with phrases like “I’ve never told anyone this before” or “I know I can trust you with this.” These aren’t just casual admissions but carefully chosen moments of vulnerability where they’ve decided that you’re someone who deserves to know their complete truth. They might share their insecurities about their relationships, confess to professional mistakes that keep them up at night, or reveal family dynamics they’re ashamed of.
4. They Actively Listen To You

True trust isn’t just about what someone shares with you, it’s also about how they receive what you share with them. When someone truly trusts you, they demonstrate exceptional listening skills that go far beyond just waiting for their turn to speak. They maintain eye contact, ask insightful follow-up questions, and remember details from previous conversations that even you might have forgotten—all important parts of actively listening, according to Psych Central. This kind of active listening shows that they value your thoughts and experiences enough to give them their full, undivided attention. They might reference something you mentioned weeks ago, showing that they not only heard but internalized what you shared.
The depth of their listening extends to emotional undertones as well—they pick up on subtle changes in your voice or expression that others might miss. They’re attuned to not just what you’re saying, but what you’re not saying, often gently probing deeper when they sense there’s more to the story. They remember your preferences, your pet peeves, and your patterns, using this knowledge to show they care about your comfort and well-being. When you share something significant, they follow up days or weeks later, asking about developments or offering support. This level of attentive listening creates a reciprocal trust where you feel truly heard and understood.
5. They Let You Borrow Personal Items
When someone willingly hands over their prized possessions without hesitation or constant checking in, they’re demonstrating a great level of trust in your responsibility and respect for their belongings. This isn’t just about lending you a pen or a phone charger—it’s about entrusting you with items that hold significant monetary or sentimental value. They might lend you their favorite book filled with personal annotations, their laptop containing private information, or even their car without giving you a lengthy list of rules and restrictions. The ease with which they share their possessions indicates they trust not just your ability to care for their items, but also your integrity in returning them.
What makes this sign particularly meaningful is the absence of anxiety or micromanagement when their belongings are in your possession. They don’t send frequent messages checking on their items or drop subtle hints about getting them back. They might even forget exactly what they’ve lent you because they’re so comfortable with you having their possessions, treating you as an extension of their own careful handling of cherished items.
6. They’re Honest With You, Even When It’s Hard

When someone deeply trusts you, they’re willing to tell you difficult truths that others might shy away from sharing. This is about having the courage to be honest in moments where lying would be easier or more comfortable. They might tell you when your behavior has hurt them, give you feedback about blind spots in your professional life, or share uncomfortable observations about your relationships. According to Verywell Mind, this level of honesty comes from a place of genuine care and trust that you can handle the truth without destroying your connection. They take the risk of temporary discomfort or potential conflict because they value authenticity in your relationship.
The way they deliver these hard truths also demonstrates their trust in your emotional maturity. They don’t sugarcoat excessively or dance around issues, but they also don’t use brutal honesty as a weapon. Instead, they approach difficult conversations with compassion and thoughtfulness, trusting that you’ll understand their intentions. These moments might include telling you about concerns they have about your life choices, sharing perspectives that challenge your worldview, or bringing up issues in your relationship that need addressing.
7. They Feel Comfortable Being Silent With You
Trust manifests in the ability to share comfortable silence without feeling the need to fill every moment with conversation or activity. When someone trusts you deeply, they can sit with you in complete silence for extended periods, finding peace rather than awkwardness in these quiet moments. This comfort in silence goes beyond just accepting quiet moments, they actively seek out your presence even when there’s nothing specific to do or discuss. You might find them working quietly alongside you, reading in the same room, or simply sharing space without feeling the pressure to entertain or engage. This level of comfort shows they trust the strength of your connection enough to let natural lulls exist without anxiety.
The depth of this trust is evident in how these silent moments feel charged with understanding rather than tension. They don’t reach for their phone to fill the void or try to force conversation when none is needed. Instead, they find comfort in your mere presence, treating you as a safe harbor where they can simply exist without performance or pretense. These moments might occur during long car rides, quiet evenings at home, or even during stressful times when words feel inadequate.
8. They Ask For Your Help
If someone consistently turns to you for assistance, big or small, they’re demonstrating trust in both your capabilities and your willingness to support them. This is about making themselves vulnerable by admitting they need support and trusting you to provide it without judgment or exploitation. They might ask for your help with moving to a new apartment, setting up technology they struggle with, or navigating a personal crisis. The requests often come without excessive apologies or promises of repayment because they trust in the reciprocal nature of your relationship. They believe in your genuine desire to help and trust that you’ll be honest if you can’t assist.
What makes these requests particularly significant is the vulnerability they reveal. When asking for help, they often expose their limitations, weaknesses, or areas of ignorance—things many people try to hide from others. They trust you enough to see them at their most overwhelmed or incapable moments, believing you won’t use these vulnerabilities against them or think less of them. They might share the full context of why they need help, including potentially embarrassing details, trusting your discretion and support.
9. They Allow You To See Their Flaws
When someone trusts you completely, they let their guard down enough to show you their imperfections, quirks, and less-than-stellar moments without fear of rejection. This isn’t just about admitting to small mistakes, it’s about revealing the deeper, more persistent flaws that they might actively try to hide from others. They might show you their messy apartment when they’re struggling with depression, admit to professional insecurities that plague them, or reveal personal habits they’re ashamed of but haven’t managed to change. This voluntary vulnerability demonstrates a trust that you’ll accept them as a whole person, not just the polished version they present to the world.
Instead of making excuses or trying to minimize their shortcomings, they can engage in honest discussions about their struggles and areas for growth. They might share their failed attempts at self-improvement, their recurring patterns in relationships, or their deepest insecurities about their capabilities. This level of transparency shows they trust your ability to see their flaws without losing respect for them. They believe in your capacity to hold space for their imperfections while still seeing their worth and potential.
10. They Introduce You To Their Inner Circle
Being welcomed into someone’s closest circle of friends and family is a profound demonstration of trust that goes beyond surface-level friendship. When someone introduces you to their inner circle, they’re essentially vouching for you with the people whose opinions matter most in their life. They actively create opportunities for you to bond with their closest friends, siblings, or parents. They share personal family stories and inside jokes, inviting you to be part of their most intimate social sphere. You’re included in family traditions, private celebrations, and even difficult moments that are usually reserved for only the closest confidants.
The significance lies not just in the introductions themselves, but in how they position you within these relationships. They might share vulnerable family histories, explain complex dynamics, or entrust you with sensitive information about their relationships. This level of inclusion shows they trust your discretion, judgment, and ability to handle complex interpersonal dynamics with care.
11. They Show Consistency In Their Words And Actions
This isn’t just about keeping promises or showing up on time—it’s about maintaining a reliable pattern of behavior that makes you feel secure in the relationship. They follow through on their commitments without needing reminders or prompting, and their actions consistently align with their expressed values and intentions. This reliability extends to how they talk about you to others, standing by their commitments even when you’re not present to witness them.
They’re consistent in how they treat you across different contexts and social situations, whether you’re alone together or in a group. Their behavior doesn’t fluctuate based on who else is present or what they might gain from the situation. This steadfast reliability shows in how they handle your confidence, maintain boundaries you’ve established together, and honor agreements you’ve made. Even when faced with temptations or pressures to behave differently, they remain true to their word because they value the trust you’ve placed in them.
12. They Allow You To Be Yourself Without Judgment
This goes beyond basic acceptance. This is about actively embracing and encouraging your true self, including the parts that others might find strange, challenging, or unconventional. They don’t try to change your quirks, redirect your enthusiasm, or tone down your personality traits. Instead, they celebrate your uniqueness and make you feel completely comfortable being vulnerable around them. This acceptance extends to your evolving identity, supporting you through changes and growth without trying to keep you confined to their initial impression of you.
The depth of this non-judgmental acceptance shows in how they respond to your different moods, ideas, and expressions of self. They genuinely appreciate the various facets of your personality and encourage you to explore and express them freely. You might share unconventional thoughts, admit to unpopular opinions, or reveal personal struggles, knowing they’ll respond with understanding rather than judgment. Their trust in you is demonstrated through their belief that your authentic self is worthy of acceptance and support, even when it challenges societal norms or their own perspectives.
13. They Make Long-Term Plans With You
When someone includes you in their future planning without hesitation or qualification, it’s a powerful sign of deep trust. They might discuss future career moves that consider your input and presence, include you in family planning discussions, or make financial decisions with your shared future in mind. This forward-thinking inclusion shows they trust not just in your current relationship, but in its endurance and growth over time. They share their dreams, aspirations, and life goals with you, naturally assuming you’ll be part of that journey.
They don’t hedge their bets or keep alternative plans hidden, instead, they openly discuss and plan for shared experiences months or years down the line. This might manifest in conversations about future living arrangements, career relocations that consider your needs, or long-term financial goals that account for your shared aspirations. They’re comfortable making commitments that require mutual trust and investment, showing they believe in the stability and permanence of your connection. This trust in a shared future often extends to including you in family traditions, legacy planning, or life-changing decisions.
14. They Defend You In Your Absence

Perhaps one of the most telling signs of deep trust is when someone consistently stands up for you when you’re not around to witness it. This is about actively protecting your reputation and interests even when there’s no immediate benefit to themselves. They might correct misunderstandings about you in group settings, advocate for your capabilities in professional contexts, or challenge negative assumptions others make about you. This behind-the-scenes loyalty demonstrates a trust so profound that they feel personally invested in maintaining the integrity of your reputation, even when you’ll never know about their efforts.
The significance of this behavior lies in its selfless nature. When someone truly trusts you, they become a guardian of your character in spaces where you can’t speak for yourself. They might share positive stories about you that counter negative impressions, provide context that helps others understand your actions better, or quietly ensure you’re treated fairly in professional or social situations. They don’t join in when others gossip about you, they don’t minimize your achievements to make others comfortable, and they don’t allow misrepresentations of your character to go unchallenged.