There’s nothing worse than being single when you want to be coupled up. Despite the endless stream of bad dates you continue to subject yourself too, don’t get too discouraged. Sometimes you’re closer to getting what you want than you think — and if you can relate to any of these things, chances are you’re finally ready to meet Mr. Right.
- You’ve gotten the single out of your system. You no longer wish you had an entire weekend free to watch whatever you want and do whatever you want. You’ve done that, and it was fun, but you want something more, and someone to share your life with.
- You don’t make snap decisions. When you’re OK with being unattached for a little while longer, you tend to get pickier about dates. You write people off based the smallest things that make sense to you at the time. If you can spend a bit more time getting to know someone and not just judge them on superficial stuff, you’re definitely ready for love.
- You’re willing to compromise. An oldie but still a goodie, compromise is a super important part of a relationship. It’s a sign of maturity and without it, you’ll never really find love.
- You welcome the unknown. When you’re single, you mostly know everything that’s going to happen to you, and there are not a lot of surprises. That can be comforting but you know you’re ready for love if you’re open to excitement and adventure.
- You’re tired of only living your life. Of course you’re still going to be independent when you’re in your next relationship. You still want to be involved in someone else’s life, too, and you want to share your time, aspirations and goals with them on a regular basis.
- You miss love. Simply put, you hate the fact that you don’t have anyone who takes up positive space in your world and who you can text random thoughts and kiss when you feel like it. If you miss those things, you’re more likely to realize that while relationships take work, love is always worth it.
- You’ve over the games and worry. You already know what it’s like to be single and it basically sucks. You don’t want the confusion and freak-outs and ignored text messages. You want something real and something that happens in person, right in front of you.
- You’re jealous. When you start getting envious of your friends in relationships, then you know you’re open to love. It’s no longer okay that you don’t have anyone and that you just live your own life. You’ve loved your time to yourself but now you’re ready for the next stage.
- You can chill out. You’ve worried about the little things way too many times before — if a guy was going to text after a first date, if you said the wrong thing, if you were measuring up somehow. Now you know that there’s not much you can do besides just be your awesome self and hope for the best. You’re pretty chill about the whole finding love thing, and that’s why it’s on its way.