Simple Ways To Improve Your Life In 2016

Simple Ways To Improve Your Life In 2016 ©iStock/mediaphotos

At the end of every year, we look back and evaluate the events, successes, and failures we experienced during the past year. We evaluate ourselves based on our careers, relationships, and life achievements — but how often do we consider personal freedom and happiness one of those goals? It should be on your priority list, so here are some surefire ways to improve your life in 2016:

  1. Spend more time relaxing. In today’s society, constantly being on the go is considered respectable, but why? Since when is it a bad thing to just chill out sometimes? Everyone needs down time, and you should make it a goal to treat yourself to that down time when possible; you’ll be glad you did.
  2. Learn to say no when you don’t want to do something. Some of us have a bad habit of always saying yes, even when we’re groaning inwardly. Whether it’s a favor we don’t owe or a social event we really don’t want to attend, we feel pressured to say yes. We aren’t required to do everything we’re asked, and putting yourself first isn’t a bad thing, so learn to say no sometimes when you really need to.
  3. Travel and explore (if it’s in your budget). If you have the means to travel but you’re choosing instead to stay home in a life of monotony, you’re missing out. If your life ended tomorrow, you wouldn’t get to take your savings accounts or your stuff with you, but your loved ones would remember the fun experiences you had together, and that kind of joy never dies.
  4. If you can’t afford to travel, explore new food/culture nearby. Life should be an adventure, whether you’re rich or poor, and you can have excellent adventures in your own area too by trying new foods, drinks, and activities. One of the best ways to make the most of your life is to use your time and funds chasing experiences rather than possessions, because experiences are so much more fulfilling and memorable.
  5. Pursue your passion. If you have a passion, something you’ve always loved doing, you should be pursuing it. Unless you’re very lucky, you’ll still have to have a day job that pays most of the bills, but you may be able to at least supplement your income doing something you love. Of course, the greatest benefit is the happiness you’ll inevitably feel within your soul.
  6. Spend as much time as possible with your loved ones. Nobody on their deathbed has ever said “I wish I had worked more.” Your youth, your life, and your loved ones are only there for a limited time, so don’t miss out on your opportunity to spend time with them.
  7. Sing and dance like no one’s watching, and do the Phoebe run if you want to. First of all, there’s a good chance that no one is actually watching because they’re too busy playing on their phones. However, even if they are, you should be who you are and do so unapologetically.
  8. Don’t settle for less than you deserve in love. Dating is rough these days, and sometimes it seems like we have to settle for sad little crumbs of a relationship or opt to be alone forever. With all due respect, screw that. It’s time to stop settling for noncommittal relationship crumbs and demand the respect we deserve.
  9. Learn to take some risks. Playing it safe all the time is boring, and it doesn’t lead to any good stories. If you want to have the most rewarding life, you have to take risks sometimes. Not every risk will turn out great, but every risk will either lead to a reward or a really entertaining story. That’s basically a win/win situation if you put it in perspective.
  10. Discover how to truly love yourself. Stop criticizing your body, bank account, and life goal checklist and focus on the best aspects of yourself. There will always be people in the world waiting to tear you down; you need to be the one to lift yourself up. Never forget how awesome you are; anyone who claims otherwise is just jealous.
Anna Martin Yonk is a freelance writer and blogger in sunny North Carolina. She loves hanging out with her goofy husband and two rescue dogs and can be found at the beach with a drink in hand whenever possible. You can find her on Instagram @mrsyonkdogmom or on her Facebook page.