If You’re Single And You’re Not Doing These Things, You’re Missing An Opportunity

There are countless benefits to being a single woman. However, it’s hard to experience those benefits if you’re solely focused on snagging a boyfriend or a husband. Now is the time to focus on you. So if you’re single and you’ve yet to do any of the following, you’re really missing out.

  1. Living on your own There’s nothing wrong with saving money, but at some point, it’s time to leave the nest (or that roommate) and experience how it feels to be truly independent. Think about it. If your goals are to get married and have children, this is likely your only opportunity to pull this off. Living on your own can boost your confidence but there are other benefits as well. You can clean up when you want. You can blast your music as loud as you want. You can decorate however you want. Basically, there are no rules. Imagine coming home after a long day of work and not having to mumble another word to anyone. Peace and quiet are perhaps my favorite perks to living on my own and if you’ve never experienced this, now is the time.
  2. Going on a girls’ trip What are you waiting for? (I mean, other than the current global pandemic to be over.) Weekend getaways with my girls are often just what the doctor ordered, especially in those moments when you’re feeling down about being “alone.” Nothing boosts my spirits more than letting my hair down with some of my favorite people, and girls’ trips are so much more fun when you’re single because you can enjoy the adventures guilt-free. There’s no checking-in necessary. If an actual trip isn’t feasible, then throw a slumber party. Friendship dynamics tend to shift a bit once marriage enters the equation. So be sure to cherish every moment with your girls now.
  3. Visiting another country This may seem like a scary thing to do, especially as a single woman, but I believe traveling overseas is a must. Planning a trip with a significant other can be difficult. You’ve got to coordinate schedules, budgets, etc. However, when you’re traveling solo, you only have to worry about yourself. Don’t wait until marriage to experience those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Be bold and explore the world. Who knows? You may just bump into your “happily ever after” while visiting the pyramids in Egypt.
  4. Figuring out what makes you happy Marriage isn’t a time to start discovering one’s self. You need to start this process beforehand. What are your passions? Your dreams? Don’t waste this time in your life believing that finding a mate should be your only life goal. There is so much more to live for. It’s time to find out what else makes you happy.
  5. Dating multiple people simultaneously Too many women waste energy focusing on one potential “suitor” at a time. Here’s my rule: explore your options. I’m not encouraging promiscuity, but there’s nothing wrong with going to dinner on a Tuesday night with one guy and going bowling with another guy Friday. When you’re single, you’re free to date whomever you want. It keeps things fun until you decide to settle down.
  6. Taking yourself out on dates Some of my best dates are the ones where I treat myself. I can’t count the number of times I’ve taken myself to the movies. Years ago, the idea would have terrified me. But as I’ve grown older, I realized that I control my happiness. Instead of sitting by the phone and waiting on a guy’s invite to that new movie release, I make my own plans.
  7. Doing volunteer work I’ll be the first to admit that being single is a perfect time to be completely selfish. However, you should try to balance that out with giving back to your community. This will not only be beneficial to those in need, but also to yourself. I truly believe that the happiest people on earth are the ones who take time to reach out and help others.
  8. Keeping a journal Keeping a journal is both therapeutic and liberating. Journals contain both our fears and our dreams. They highlight areas that need improvement, which is essential to our growth. They also help us to set and measure life’s goals.
  9. Pampering yourself I have a regular appointment at my nail salon. It’s one of those things that not only keeps me looking good, but it helps me feel good as well. When you’re single and independent, you can find yourself feeling the need to be taken care of every now and then. Going to the salon, nail shop, or spa is just the key for me.
  10. Not enjoying it Embrace this season of your life.  Being single is a time for growth and self-discovery. Use this period to build a firm personal foundation. So when your Mr. Right does come along, you’ll be able to give him the very best version of yourself.
Lyanna Sir is a freelance writer and founder of Lyanna's Language, LLC. She has a passion for women's empowerment, which includes promoting healthy relationships and self-discovery to true happiness. When she's not writing, you can find her in a car or on a plane headed somewhere fun and exciting.