Sleeping Next To Someone Who Snores Is Destroying Your Mental And Physical Health

Sure, people can’t help that they snore, but that doesn’t mean it’s a pleasant experience sleeping next to them. In addition to being loud and annoying, it also disturbs your sleep and makes you cranky and tired come morning. In fact, according to science, sharing a bed with a snorer is destroying your health.

  1. It increases the risk of anxiety and depression. When you’re waking up a bunch of times overnight or struggling to get to sleep at all, you’re way more likely to experience mental health problems. While sleep issues typically affect 10-18% of the general population, they affect 50 to 80% of people who are seeking help for psychiatric issues. Notice the connection?
  2. Your brain function is way lower. Studies prove that those with fractured sleep think slower, make more mistakes, have lower productivity, and are consistently irritable. It makes sense if you think about it — sleep is our body’s way of recuperating and healing itself. If we can’t do that, we’re bound to break down.
  3. You’re more likely to develop obesity or have a stroke. These are serious problems. Not only can a stroke be deadly, but obesity can lead to other health conditions that are just as dangerous such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and more. Thanks a lot, snorer.
  4. It can ruin your relationship with your partner. In addition to being really annoyed by your partner’s incessant snoring every night, you might also take that annoyance out on them, resulting in more arguments, which isn’t good.
  5. Your whole mood could change. If the atmosphere in your house is tense because you’re constantly fighting with your partner and can’t get any sleep with them snoring beside you, you’re way more likely to experience appetite changes, stress, and serious inflammation.
  6. It can ruin your hearing. While snorers seem to be relatively unaffected by their constant noise, their partners aren’t so lucky. One Australian study found that sleeping next to someone with severe snoring issues was equivalent to 15 years of industrial noise. Yikes!
  7. It’s important to work on this problem. Whether it’s helping your partner find medical help for their snoring or organizing different sleeping arrangements, your health is important and you need to take steps to help yourself.
Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia