Is Someone Trying To Contact You From Beyond The Grave? 12 Signs They Might Be

It may sound far out, but many people believe that there are times that loved ones will try to contact you from the grave. It may seem scary, but it’s usually just people like Grandma or a parent reaching out to tell you they’re okay. None of these signs alone are enough to determine that a loved one is communicating with you from the dead. A combination of many signs, however, may very well be an indication. Here are 12 signs you’ve got a communicator.

  1. They’re visiting your dreams. In many cases, dreams are just dreams. Though in this case, they’re definitely something special. Deceased loved ones could be trying to reach out to you through your sleepy time by visiting you while you’re dreaming. They may be trying to make contact with you because they want something or they may just be reaching out to let you know that they’re okay.
  2. Your ears are ringing. You keep experiencing an audio interference from your normal hearing. You hear ringing sounds in your ear, wondering what the heck that is. It isn’t just a coincidence, rather it may be your loved one trying to get in contact with you.
  3. You’re experiencing weirdness with electrical devices. One flickering light isn’t enough to say that grandma is visiting from the dead, but several lights could be a serious indication of an otherworldly visitor. So could an appliance suddenly turning on all by itself or multiple phone calls with no one on the other end. These may spook you, but they could be someone trying to get through to you.
  4. You have an uptick of coincidences. Sure, coincidences happen to everyone every so often, but not like this. Strangely, you have a huge uptick in a number of serendipitous events happening in your life. You meet someone and you have a bunch of strange things in common and then you see something on the news that’s relevant to your day. Synchronicities like this can be brought on by a loved one trying to make their presence known.
  5. You see someone in your peripheral vision. Spirits seldom appear clearly in your field of vision. Instead, they often appear blurry in your peripheral vision. It’s not unusual to blink or to turn towards what you saw and to have it disappear. Though you know that you’ve seen them and you can sense their presence.
  6. You’re repeatedly finding feathers. Many people have the experience of finding a white feather after the death of a loved one. Again, often the loved one trying to let you know that they’re okay. Finding multiple feathers could be an indication that your loved one is trying to get a message over to you.
  7. Their song comes on when you’re thinking of them. Coincidences could be seen as nothing special at all or they could be seen as a sign, especially when you’ve had multiple other signs. You’re thinking about this person that you lost and all of a sudden a song that you associate with them pops up on the radio. You could brush it off as not a big deal, but you have this feeling that it’s significant.
  8. You smell a scent that reminds you of them. They may be letting you know that they’re near if you keep smelling a certain scent that you associate with them. Maybe it’s vanilla bean and you walk by a store in the mall where the smell is wafting out. Then, later you find that your friend is using vanilla scented lotion. You may even be able to smell their scent for no logical reason. Call them coincidences, but they can be signs.
  9. You keep seeing numbers that are significant. Birthdays, anniversaries, favorites—there are a variety of numbers that could be important to your deceased loved one. Milestones are used to celebrate life, so it’s not far off that the dead would be using them to communicate. It could be a sign if you keep seeing numbers that you associate with your loved one.
  10. You’re seeing orbs in photos. Many psychics believe that orbs in photos are spirits captured on camera. Be on the lookout for bright balls of light in pictures. They could be your loved ones trying to communicate with you. They may just be visiting to say hello or they may be trying to get your attention. They can often be seen in family photos, photos taken around holidays, and during other significant moments.
  11. You keep finding pennies. Pennies aren’t just good luck, they can also be the spirit world trying to communicate. Finding them may seem like no big deal at all, but it could be your loved one trying to say hello. Pennies, in particular, are what they use because they’re made out of copper and it’s a conductor for electromagnetic fields. It’s supposedly relatively easy to manipulate.
  12. You see someone who looks just like them. Someone walks by who looks so much like your loved one that it’s crazy. Perhaps you were just thinking or missing this person and you see a doppelganger. It may be nothing at all, but when coupled with a few of these other signs it may really mean something.
Ginelle has been writing professionally for more than six years and has a bachelor’s degree in digital marketing & design. Her writing has appeared on Birdie, Thought Catalog, Tiny Buddha and more. You can follow her on Instagram @ginelletesta, via her Facebook page, or through her website at