Guy Builds Tiny Picnic Table For Squirrels In His Back Yard And They’re Loving It

Guy Builds Tiny Picnic Table For Squirrels In His Back Yard And They’re Loving It

Squirrels are pretty much a given in most suburban (and even urban) back yards and they’re a welcome sight for many people. After all, they’re super cute and totally harmless, so what’s not to love? Rick Kalinowski is a big fan of the animals, so she went ahead and built the squirrels a mini picnic table at which they can enjoy their food.

  1. After building the picnic table from scratch, he nailed it to the back fence. While squirrels definitely don’t mind eating at ground level, why shouldn’t they enjoy a little luxury from time to time with a meal in the sky? After Kalinowski built up the table, he nailed it to the back fence so the party could get started.
  2. The squirrels are loving it! It wasn’t long before a curious squirrel came for a nice lunch at Kalinowski’s picnic table since he leaves a little snack on the table for them. According to The Dodo, the squirrels tend to visit twice a day, which seems reasonable.
  3. Kalinowski can see them from his window. He strategically hung the squirrels’ picnic table at the top of his fence just outside the window where he sits to have his morning coffee. Looking out and seeing the little creatures enjoying their own morning ritual really brightens his day.
  4. The picnic table is Kalinowski’s way of giving back. “I appreciate them and they appreciate me,” he told The Dodo. After all, he gets a lot of happiness from watching the squirrels in his yard, so now they get the happiness of having a mini picnic table to climb on and eat at. Sure, they don’t get the concept of a picnic table and what humans do at them, but that doesn’t mean they’re not loving it all the same.
  5. In times like these, this is the kind of story we need more of. Simple pleasures that make us smile? Yup, more of that, please.
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